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Yes and No missing from new install

Comments on Yes and No missing from new install


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jul 17, 2003

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Posted Oct 08, 2008 - 7:41 PM:

Wasn't getting much help in the other forum and since I now think it is a specific bug, I'm reporting it here. I might get some support.

I went into MySQL and created a new database.

[root@cartman www]# mv britnet_links britnet_links.backout2
[root@cartman www]# mkdir britnet_links
[root@cartman www]# chmod 777 britnet_links
[root@cartman britnet]# cd ../britnet_links
[root@cartman britnet_links]# unzip -a ../wsnlinks.5.0.10.zip
Archive: ../wsnlinks.5.0.10.zip
creating: wsnlinks/
creating: wsnlinks/admin/
inflating: wsnlinks/admin/addfields.php [text]
extracting: wsnlinks/config.php.txt [text]
[root@cartman britnet_links]# mv wsnlinks/* .
[root@cartman britnet_links]# rmdir wsnlinks
[root@cartman britnet_links]# chmod -R 777 *

At this point I go to my URL and create a fresh installation, using a newly unzipped 5.0.10 zipfile.
Once the install is complete I go into the admin panel and... I am still missing my Yes and Nos. I can install a 4.1.x release to see what happens if you wish.

See sample image here:

Again, fresh install from downloaded file, clean database.


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Oct 09, 2008 - 12:50 AM:

A real new install gives this normal result: http://www.webmastersite.net/screenshots/636.jpg

What you're doing is some sort of insanely complicated method of not following the installation instructions, I gather. Use the autosetup like everybody else.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jul 17, 2003

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Posted Oct 09, 2008 - 8:20 PM:

Can I have a refund on my 5.0.x purchase and I'll go back to using 4.1.x

There is nothing insanely complex about that. That's how I've always installed it in the past.

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Oct 10, 2008 - 4:18 AM:

Extracting files is a whole heck of a lot more complex than following the instructions, and since the real method doesn't prduce the problematic language file you get with your method it's obviously your problem. Though if you'd actually respond and give me the information I requested in the other thread then I could probably make your bastardized install process work.

Besides which, I do offer 100% free installation service which absolutely ensures that it's installed properly and everything is working. I can't help people who refuse to let me help them. I can't afford to pay you to make you let me help you.

Downgrades aren't possible, but if you want to trap yourself with 4.1 send me your customer id.


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jul 17, 2003

Total Topics: 39
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Posted Oct 10, 2008 - 6:40 AM:

Using your autosetup means giving write access to the apache server. This is very insecure. I would rather to my install as root and then give permissions to directories as and when they are needed and then remove it. There's less chance of something bad happening. I'm sorry you feel I didn't provide all the information you wanted, I thought I had.

In the end I did open up my server and used the 5.0.12 install which seems to have done the trick. Maybe it was just something odd with the 5.0.10 installation. Anyway, I will see how it goes with the php3 integration now.

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