Thanks for all the survey responses, they've given me a number of ideas. Here's a summary of those parts of the survey from which statistics can be extracted:
People found WSN Links at (20 responses)
hotscripts - 30% don't remember - 25% phpresourceindex - 15% google - 15% other script directory - 5% other - 5% told directly - 5%
Average licenses owned (21 responses)
1.7 per person
Planning on buying another license in the future (21 responses)
yes - 52% maybe - 29% no - 19%
Used the Basic Edition before buying (21 responses)
no - 57% yes - 43%
Language (21 responses)
english-only - 67% multilingual - 33%
Hosting type (21 responses)
Shared hosting - 57% Semi-dedicated, VPS or VDS - 19% Dedicated server (managed by hosting company) - 14% Own server (owned and run by you) - 5% Free hosting - 5%
Server operating system (21 responses)
Linux - 76% Other Unix - 24% Mac - 0% Windows - 0%
Uses other WSN scripts (21 responses)
no - 62% yes - 38%
Interested in a Basic Edition of WSN KB (20 responses)
maybe - 50% yes - 30% no - 20%
Interested in a WSN CMS (21 responses)
maybe - 52% no - 33% yes - 14%
Uses some competing products rather than WSN scripts (21 responses)
yes - 71% no - 29%
Purchacing decision was most influenced by (20 responses)
other - 45% the WSN Links support forum - 30% hotscripts or other directory - 20% personal recommendation - 5%
Interested in a bookmarks importer add-on (21 responses)
no - 67% maybe - 24% yes - 10%
Area that needs the most improvement (20 responses)
speed - 30% new features - 25% stability / bug fixes - 25% documentation - 20% support - 0%
Would participate in a WSN Links template contest (21 responses)
maybe - 52% no - 33% yes - 14%
Average number of people told about WSN Links (20 responses)
11.5 (this is distorted by people who said 100, 50 and 30)
Average price people would've been willing to pay for the perpetual license (12 responses)
$63 (distorted by a $200 response)
Average price people would've been willing to pay for the yearly license (7 responses)
$25 (though actually only one person said more than $15)
Overall happiness (20 responses)
This thread is closed, so you cannot post a reply.
Comments on WSN Links survey
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Thanks for all the survey responses, they've given me a number of ideas. Here's a summary of those parts of the survey from which statistics can be extracted:
People found WSN Links at (20 responses)
hotscripts - 30%
don't remember - 25%
phpresourceindex - 15%
google - 15%
other script directory - 5%
other - 5%
told directly - 5%
Average licenses owned (21 responses)
1.7 per person
Planning on buying another license in the future (21 responses)
yes - 52%
maybe - 29%
no - 19%
Used the Basic Edition before buying (21 responses)
no - 57%
yes - 43%
Language (21 responses)
english-only - 67%
multilingual - 33%
Hosting type (21 responses)
Shared hosting - 57%
Semi-dedicated, VPS or VDS - 19%
Dedicated server (managed by hosting company) - 14%
Own server (owned and run by you) - 5%
Free hosting - 5%
Server operating system (21 responses)
Linux - 76%
Other Unix - 24%
Mac - 0%
Windows - 0%
Uses other WSN scripts (21 responses)
no - 62%
yes - 38%
Interested in a Basic Edition of WSN KB (20 responses)
maybe - 50%
yes - 30%
no - 20%
Interested in a WSN CMS (21 responses)
maybe - 52%
no - 33%
yes - 14%
Uses some competing products rather than WSN scripts (21 responses)
yes - 71%
no - 29%
Purchacing decision was most influenced by (20 responses)
other - 45%
the WSN Links support forum - 30%
hotscripts or other directory - 20%
personal recommendation - 5%
Interested in a bookmarks importer add-on (21 responses)
no - 67%
maybe - 24%
yes - 10%
Area that needs the most improvement (20 responses)
speed - 30%
new features - 25%
stability / bug fixes - 25%
documentation - 20%
support - 0%
Would participate in a WSN Links template contest (21 responses)
maybe - 52%
no - 33%
yes - 14%
Average number of people told about WSN Links (20 responses)
11.5 (this is distorted by people who said 100, 50 and 30)
Average price people would've been willing to pay for the perpetual license (12 responses)
$63 (distorted by a $200 response)
Average price people would've been willing to pay for the yearly license (7 responses)
$25 (though actually only one person said more than $15)
Overall happiness (20 responses)