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Trying to mod_rewrite category name
help, anybody know how to mod_rewrite

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Posted Sep 30, 2005 - 4:08 AM:

this from the >search & SEO area.


i replace links w/ {CATNAME} so the link would display


but... when clicked, i get

'Not Found
The requested URL /Category Name/Link_ID-1.html was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. "

can anybody help me with getting this rewrite to work? i really don't want to display 'links/' or any other text.. i want the actual category name.

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Posted Oct 01, 2005 - 1:55 PM:

mod-rewrite doesn't work for me. It converts the categories into www.domain.com/directory/Category but clicking those gives 404's. I can't see what the issue is... .htaccess seems fine (have tried various different base url options), my server supports mod-rewrite... so I have no idea what the problem could be

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Posted Oct 01, 2005 - 3:39 PM:

Please undo your changes and simply select 'use category names in url' instead. (Link details, of course, don't use category names in the url.)

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Posted Oct 01, 2005 - 4:56 PM:

Hi, so basically we cannot display the category name in the link details (i.e http://www.yourwebsite.com/CatogryName/Linkname-ID.html)

and it's always going to show:


where 'links' stay the same forever?
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Posted Oct 02, 2005 - 3:28 AM:

Freshwill, You can change "links" to whatever word you want. See seo area of your admin panel and change the relavent part of htaccess.

Capitaine, just to be sure - In your admin panel you set it to use category names in url and renamed htaccess.txt to .htaccess and you have some sort of linux/unix box?

If you have done that and it still doesn't work have you tried changing

#RewriteBase /


RewriteBase /

in your htaccess?
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Posted Oct 02, 2005 - 3:54 AM:

yep, i set the 'cat names in url', renamed htaccess.txt, am on Free BSD with mod-rewrite loaded, uncommented the RewriteBase, even tried RewriteBase directory/

... I can see it changes the url's, as I mention above, but it results in 404's...

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Posted Oct 02, 2005 - 4:12 AM:

Just a thought, in your httpd.conf what is AllowOverride set to?
All or None?

If it is set to none currently, then you should give it a shot as all. Be sure to set it back to none if it doesn't work.

This should have nothing to do with mod-rewrite, but I *think it helped me once.


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Posted Oct 02, 2005 - 5:33 PM:

hi mrowton, thanks for the input. What if i didn't want the word 'links' or whatever else verbage in there but the specific category name that the link is in? From what i gathered, that might not even be possible...
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Posted Oct 02, 2005 - 9:50 PM:

That is not possible. You can replace it with a single word of your choosing, but you can't replace it with whatever category the link is in.

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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 07, 2005 - 3:01 AM:

Same problem here like Captaine using version 3.2.7

Sometime I can edit the links, sometimes I don't (404-page).
My impression is that when you use subcategory 's you have this issue.


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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 07, 2005 - 5:51 PM:

Your rewrite base value is most likely wrong. You can always ask your web host.
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