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TopList Not Displaying Aliased Links
TopList Not Displaying Aliased Links

Comments on TopList Not Displaying Aliased Links


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 27, 2006

Total Topics: 6
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Posted Nov 04, 2006 - 11:32 AM:

I've been scratching my head over this for two days, it's really holding up my project and I cannot find any reason for the behavior.

I have a toplist that displays 50 links in each category. However, the toplist will not display any links that have been aliased to the folder. It's really strange because the files are in the category, they show up fine in the listing and looking at their catid is correct but they will not display in the toplist.

Example, there are 10 regular links in my test folder, the folder is a 2nd level deep folder and has ONE aliased link to make 11 total files, this toplist will display all 10 regular files but not the aliased file.

Here is the code.

<CONFIG>links,hits;votes,50,descending;descending,catid=[CATID] or parentids LIKE '%, [CATID], %'</CONFIG>

Apparently this forum is scraping and processing the the CATID code and replacing with the forum category number, so I'll change for clarity and wrap with brackets []..

All help is much appreciated ..

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 27, 2006

Total Topics: 6
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Posted Nov 04, 2006 - 1:55 PM:

Ok, well I see why this is happening ..

In the templatefunctions is " $condition .= ' AND alias=0';"

If I take that out, the alias displays fine but now how to prevent the alias from displaying twice? There are now duplicate displays in the parent lists.. Duplicate checking ..


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Posted Nov 06, 2006 - 4:40 PM:

Got the same question by email a few days ago. 4.0.5 will have an extra toplist term where you can set whether the particular toplist should show aliases.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 27, 2006

Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 25
Posted Nov 06, 2006 - 4:55 PM:

Will it prevent duplicate links in the toplist?
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