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top-level category counter wrong

Comments on top-level category counter wrong

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Posted Sep 24, 2005 - 3:06 AM:

Bug? On the main index of your directory, it will say x categories. Say you then click on a category which has 10 sub-categories; on this page, the totals at the top will read x + 10 categories. Which is incorrect, as you still only have x top-level categories

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Posted Sep 25, 2005 - 7:17 AM:

When you're in a category, you can't see the main index total. So it stands to reason you have some template customization to display it. What are you using?
Forum Regular

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Posted Sep 25, 2005 - 1:41 PM:

The totals code I'm referring to is in the wrapper, so it'll display at all times...


the above is in the wrapper, and when you go off the main index into a category, it displays the total cats figure incorrectly. In fact I've noticed that its irrelevant how many sub-categories are in the category you've gone into - it just shows an incorrect total category number, eg I have 58 top-level categories, but when you go into a cat, the totals figure goes up to 96 for some reason....

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Posted Sep 27, 2005 - 5:41 PM:


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