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Thumbnail and gif
I cannot make thumbnail.php show gif-attachments

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Posted Jun 02, 2005 - 4:13 AM:

Possible bug or perhaps not implemented:
I cannot show uploaded gif-files as thumbnails. It works OK for jpg and png.
I use this:

<?php if (strstr("gif jpg png", extension("{LINKFILETITLE}"))) { ?> <a href="download.php?id={LINKID}"><img src="thumbnail.php?id={LINKID}&thumbwidth=100&thumbheight=100" border="0" alt="click for full size version"></a> <?php } ?>

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Posted Jun 03, 2005 - 1:27 AM:

If you're using GD, that is a matter of GD, which doesn't support GIFs due to historical patent issues (presumably does again in new versions but hosts don't have those). ImageMagick works fine.

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Posted Jun 03, 2005 - 7:22 AM:

Well, the file doesn't support GIFs because the versions of GD I've had didn't. So ImageMagick is required for GIFs for now, will add GD GIF support for 3.2.

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Posted Jun 03, 2005 - 7:43 AM:

Sorry Paul,
I just realized that GD thumbnails does not work in my other scrips anymore.
So you are right. GD does not support GIF anymore, because the packing algorithm in GIF is copyrighted.

Don't add GD GIF support for 3.2.

I'll install Image Magick instead.


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Posted Jun 03, 2005 - 11:05 AM:

Actually the patent has expired everywhere now, so I expect it's back in current GD releases, releases that get bundled with PHP just tend to be old (and hosts tend to use old PHP versions). Have already made the change for 3.2, it can't do any harm.
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