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Suggest A Link Page
Extending URL field length changing Recip Link Txt

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The SEO Guy (NZ)

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Posted Jun 02, 2006 - 6:30 AM:

Hi there!

Am fiddling around trying to get my directory looking the way I'd like it... which is a mission for someone who regards PHP as little short of witchcraft! :-)

1.) In the Suggest Link page, the URL fields are very short - seems to be set to {STANDARDSIZE} and i would like to know where to change that to a longer value e.g. perhaps 50 characters
2.) Reciprocal Links - if no reciprocal link is found, a message comes up to the effect that "No reciprocal link can be found on your page. If you haven't yet placed a link, please place this HTML on your page:" and the HTML is not what i'd like;
<a href="www.comauth.co.nz/directory">Links Directory</a> HOW/WHERE do I change this reciprocal link text?



Forum Regular

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Posted Jun 02, 2006 - 8:33 AM:

  1. Settings/Links
  2. a Language item, in your Language settings - you'll have to search for the variable
The SEO Guy (NZ)

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Posted Jun 02, 2006 - 11:08 AM:

Hi capitaine

1.) Thanks, but not quite there yet... the only settings in Settings / Links seem to be for Title and Description length - not the URL and Reciprocal URL length

2.) I found the right place to amend this at; Settings / System Configuration

Forum Regular

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Posted Jun 02, 2006 - 1:21 PM:

  1. Settings/General/Standard size for input boxes:
  2. your question was misleading, you're referring to your site details.
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