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So many great features | Pre-Populating
So many great features | Pre-Populating in some member accounts ?

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So many great features | Pre-Populating
Posted Dec 08, 2011 - 6:58 PM:

Paul - Your software has so many great features

Was wondering about doing some pre-populating ? in some member accounts area when they go to submit listings ?

Say someone wants to make multiple listings ... and rather than having them have to to enter the city , state , county and zipcode etc. .. "each and every time" ..

[which in our case our required fields .. ]

Would there be a way [ when they are already logged into their account ? ]
to have some sort of default info - with their info in it already that they could choose to use or not depending on the listing .. ??

Working to have a "faster/easier" customer experience ..

Thanks in advance .. Always amazed at all the possibilities here ...

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Posted Dec 12, 2011 - 8:51 PM:

You can pass default field values in the url like suggest.php?action=addlink&city=test . And you can use a member field as that default value, like suggest.php?action=addlink&title={THISMEMBERDEFAULTCITY} . So I guess by adding a lot of member fields and changing the submit links you could create this. For the member choice you could give the member two separate submit link options, one with the defaults and one not.
Forum Regular

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Joined: Nov 16, 2005
Location: Colorado

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Posted Dec 13, 2011 - 1:59 PM:

Exactly !

was thinking that somehow using some variables specific to the member - that this would most likely be possible.

Wasn't sure how to exactly go about this - but now you have pointed the way.

Another great example of how customizable your software is.

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