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small issues

Comments on small issues


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 15, 2004
Location: Boise Idaho

Total Topics: 4
Total Comments: 13
Posted Apr 19, 2005 - 2:14 PM:

Ok we are working a new install on a different host but the base install is working fine with a few little annoyances.

We think the problem relates to this setting.

Use apache mod_rewrite URL rewriting? YES
Must rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess first. DONE
Use category names in URL: YES

Any category name or members link list that contains a ' is broken.

Paul we dont mind to give you the full admin access to check stuff out but it really is.

The ' character is added via language file and I can fix that by searching the language file for album and just a bit after that is 's and personal link list are now fixed. mostly. The bread crumb links are broken. Best to illustrate.

http://www.everydirectory.com log in as buggy/dada smiling face my partner made that.

The pagination problem is fixed via the language file but at the top of the personal link list there is Links Directory > buggy Link Collection.

The link for buggy Link Collection goes to http://www.everydirectory.com/buggy_Link_Collection and that leads to a "The requested page does not exist."

To demonstrate the issue of the ' character in category names we made a category "testing today's" We dont need them but paul I wanted to show you because you said it could not happen. I figure showing will explain it as my post was probably not clear.

The issues we are concerned with now are are the 404 crumb trail on personal link list and the following.

We will remove the add link from personal link list. we see it as a back door submit form and have no issue to remove that period.

When adding links to a list by surfing the directory and click "Add to List" the total link count for site increases. The setting Count links in hidden categories and member link lists in totals? is set to no.

We plan to move ahead with building a few more sites from wsnlinks as it has unmatched value from any I have seen, but want to resolve these annoyances first.
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