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SEO Error Manual
.htaccess error

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Posted Sep 18, 2009 - 8:13 PM:

I think I'm doing something wrong or something isn't configured correctly.

In the Admin->SEO I change the apache mod_rewrite to yes. When I do I get the following error.

The .htaccess file did not work! After implimenting, an attempt to read servertest.php met with an error. URL rewriting is being turned off to keep the site working. Please contact support with a copy of your htaccess.txt.

However when I test this script myself it comes back fine.

MySQL version 5.0.81-community - pass

Output buffering - pass
PHP version 5.2.9 - pass
Remote URL functions - pass
Apache mode with FTP extension - pass
Linux - pass
GD bundled (2.0.34 compatible) - pass
Maximum Execution Time (1800 seconds) - pass
Allowed Memory (256M) - pass

Congratulations, this server meets all the recommendations for running WSN Links.

Is it possible to put back in the ability to do this manually. I noticed it's not there with the upgraded version.

I can get it to work going into the db and changing it. Then renaming the htaccess.txt file. But it gets wiped anytime I update in the admin area.

I'm using the default htaccess which I've attached.

Any ideas?

Attached Files:

Usergroup: Administrator
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Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Sep 19, 2009 - 12:53 PM:

If the file it generates works, but reports that it doesn't, I guess that'd have to mean the test condition fails. It tests by loading the first non-hidden, non-act-as-link, non-alias category that has a named filled in. It checks if ".css" appears in that page, as it always should if it loaded correctly.

Are you doing something I can't imagine that involves not having categories?

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Posted Sep 20, 2009 - 11:50 AM:

Not that I know of. I moved some links to another category and deleted a couple of categories that didn't have many links in them. Everything else has a category assigned.

I know on version 4 it had the ability to say it would be done manually. Was that included in V5?

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Posted Sep 21, 2009 - 2:36 AM:

I remove the manual option in 5.1 because having an old .htaccess will lead to stuff breaking, and not being able to autogenerate indicates a deeper underlying problem which needs to be solved instead of left to create all sorts of other errors down the road.

If you can fill out the free inspection form at http://www.wsnlinks.com/inspection.html I can figure this out quickly. Being stuck at a distance trying to come up with guesses for you to look into could take forever, it's a lot easier for me step through the file and see what it's doing there.

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Posted Sep 23, 2009 - 6:25 PM:

Paul wrote:
I remove the manual option in 5.1 because having an old .htaccess will lead to stuff breaking, and not being able to autogenerate indicates a deeper underlying problem which needs to be solved instead of left to create all sorts of other errors down the road.

If you can fill out the free inspection form at http://www.wsnlinks.com/inspection.html I can figure this out quickly. Being stuck at a distance trying to come up with guesses for you to look into could take forever, it's a lot easier for me step through the file and see what it's doing there.

Ok done. I thought at first when you said categories. I seen some links that had {CATID} as there category. So I edited them to a category and still getting the error. I'm cleaning up dead place holder links so of course it rewrote back to no and I've left it alone.

Thanks for all your help.


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Sep 24, 2009 - 9:58 PM:

The FTP path entered at Admin Panel -> Settings -> System Settings was off (extra slashes), causing all kinds of CHMODs to fail. That was part of the problem. The other part was that it expects to find an external stylesheet... changed now to work with internal styles.

Usergroup: Customer
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Posted Sep 25, 2009 - 3:01 PM:

Thanks a lot Paul. Despite what anyone says your TERRRIFIC!. I knew it had to be something I was overlooking. I've been concentrating on templates and besides touching the minimal settings haven't looked to close to the backend yet.

Thanks with a whole lotta hugs. nod
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