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Select secondary categories (alias)

Comments on Select secondary categories (alias)


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Location: Czech Republic

Total Topics: 48
Total Comments: 82
Posted Apr 13, 2006 - 12:50 AM:

Hallo Paul,

I have several problems with aliased links:

(I have Original version WSNlinks, multilingual, member can alias enabled, Member number of aliases allowed: 4)

1. Member submit link Test1 to category Cat1 and he select one alias of link in secondary category Cat2.
2. Admin approve this link, all is perfect, link displays in two categories.
3. Member go to edit link Test1 and he unselect secondary category Cat2.
4. Click edit link
5. Admin approve this link, but link Test1 is still aliased in two categories, no change displays in WSNlinks.

B) When member edit link Test1 and select 3 secondary categories, the same error there is - when Admin approve link, no change displays.

C) But when Admin edit secondary categories, all is perfect. When validation of link edits does not require for member, all is perfect, too.

D) When user add new link and select 5 secondary categories (alias), alert message: "You can only choose 4 secondary categories" displays.
But when user edit link and select 5 secondary categories, no alert mesage displays.

P.S. The same problem, if Category selector on 'Suggest Link' page is ON and is OFF.

Thank you.
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