This is the output of the submission of the above search:
Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Query 2: SELECT `name`,`value` FROM wsnlinks_switches WHERE id>0
Number of rows is 93
Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.
Query 3: SELECT `id`,`type`,`original`,`replacement`,`description`,`originalclose`,`replacementclose`,`sortorder` FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='wsncode' ORDER BY sortorder
Number of rows is 26
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Load time so far: 0.11 seconds.
Query 4: SELECT `id`,`title`,`caneditown`,`caneditall`,`canvote`,`isadmin`,`canpost`,`canemail`,`validatecats`,`validatecomments`,`validatelinks`,`validateedits`,`cansubmitlinks`,`cansubmitcategories`,`cansubmitcomments`,`caneditownlinks`,`caneditowncategories`,`caneditowncomments`,`caneditownprofile`,`caneditalllinks`,`caneditallcategories`,`caneditallcomments`,`caneditallprofiles`,`candownloadfiles`,`canupload`,`canviewip`,`limitlinks`,`canemailmembers`,`canusehtml`,`limitlinksdaily`,`canalias`,`cancopy`,`candeleteown`,`candeleteall`,`candofulledit`,`candeletecategories`,`candeletecomments`,`candeleteowncategories`,`candeleteowncomments`,`candeletemembers`,`candeleteownmembers`,`canaliascategories`,`canviewpages`,`caneditvotes`,`numaliases`,`canviewvotes`,`canhideownlinks`,`canhideowncategories`,`canhideowncomments`,`canhidealllinks`,`canhideallcategories`,`canhideallcomments`,`canratecomments`,`bytespermem`,`canpm`,`canim`,`canharddelete`,`limitpms`,`limitpmsdaily`,`canviewdeleted`,`cansubmitpolls`,`candeletepolls`,`candeleteownpolls`,`caneditpolls`,`caneditownpolls`,`attachperpost`,`attachperpm`,`canviewshouts`,`caneditshouts`,`caneditownshouts`,`candeleteshouts`,`candeleteownshouts`,`cansubmitshouts`,`canpollvote`,`customtitle`,`canviewinvisible`,`namestyle`,`canpmimportant`,`canviewmodlog`,`isleader`,`cansubmitquotes`,`validatequotes`,`candeletequotes`,`candeleteownquotes`,`canreport`,`canusesearch`,`attachperlink`,`validateattachments`,`caneditownquotes`,`caneditallquotes`,`canviewchat`,`caneditownevents`,`caneditallevents`,`candeleteownevents`,`candeleteevents`,`cansubmitevents`,`validateevents`,`bulkpms`,`issupermod`,`numinv`,`allowugspec`,`validateemails`,`validatesponsorlinks`,`cansubmittags`,`candeletetags`,`cansubmitfeeds`,`validatefeeds`,`validatefeeditems`,`numaliasestot`,`shoutsperday`,`validatetrader`,`renewdays`,`renewtimes`,`canviewownfulltrc`,`canviewallfulltrc` FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.16 seconds.
Query 5: SELECT `id`,`to`,`subject`,`message`,`headers`,`replacement`,`mime` FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.24 seconds.
Query 6: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid>0 Count is 0
Load time so far: 0.24 seconds.
Query 7: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=0 AND isrobot=0 Count is 1
Load time so far: 0.24 seconds.
Query 8: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=0 AND isrobot=1 Count is 0
Load time so far: 0.26 seconds.
Query 9: SELECT `id`,`memberid`,`location`,`time`,`ip`,`browser`,`starttime`,`catid`,`threadid`,`areaname`,`lastsearch`,`nopermission`,`inchat`,`name`,`isrobot`,`lastchat`,`groupnamestyle`,`acceptims`,`visibility`,`profileurl` FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE time > 1214341009 AND (memberid>0) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,100
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.4 seconds.
Query 10: SELECT `id`,`memberid`,`location`,`time`,`ip`,`browser`,`starttime`,`catid`,`threadid`,`areaname`,`lastsearch`,`nopermission`,`inchat`,`name`,`isrobot`,`lastchat`,`groupnamestyle`,`acceptims`,`visibility`,`profileurl` FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE ip='xx.92.4.187' AND memberid=0
Number of rows is 1
Creating online with Array as row
Load time so far: 0.43 seconds.
Query 11: UPDATE wsnlinks_sessions SET starttime='1214339706', time='1214341909', location='', catid='', threadid='', areaname='Search Results', nopermission='0', inchat='0', ip='xx.92.4.187' WHERE id=151
It looks as if nothing actually happened when I submitted the search. The {LINKCATPARENTID} works fine on a normal template, meaning that the system knows and can look for it. I don't see a 'catparentid' in the 'Admin Panel->Search->Searchable Link field'.
What can cause this problem? How can I search for links in a category that is beneath a parent category that I would like to specify? The posts I found so far, didn't give me any answer to this problem.
Comments on search linkcatparentid not working?
Forum Regular
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jun 22, 2005
Total Topics: 91
Total Comments: 305
Hi Paul,
I got this in a test template:
This is the output of the submission of the above search:
It looks as if nothing actually happened when I submitted the search. The {LINKCATPARENTID} works fine on a normal template, meaning that the system knows and can look for it. I don't see a 'catparentid' in the 'Admin Panel->Search->Searchable Link field'.
What can cause this problem? How can I search for links in a category that is beneath a parent category that I would like to specify? The posts I found so far, didn't give me any answer to this problem.
Forum Regular
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jun 22, 2005
Total Topics: 91
Total Comments: 305
Found the solution: