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script is not working

Comments on script is not working


Usergroup: Member
Joined: Nov 05, 2010

Total Topics: 5
Total Comments: 5
Posted Nov 06, 2010 - 1:02 PM:


i was using wsn links version 3.13. but suddenly this error appear on the site (Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /hermes/web07b/b74/pow.urdustan/htdocs/u-hoo/classes/member.php on line 169), and my script is not working. kindly upgrade my my script as well or guide me how to upgrade?

Your quick responce will be highly appriciated.

Thank you

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Nov 07, 2010 - 5:55 PM:

Your web host finally got sick of being hacked and decided to drop PHP 4 in favor of a modern, maintained version of PHP -- as they really should've done back in 2007 when the php group end of lifed PHP 4. That version of WSN Links is from 2003 or 2004, and is therefore not able to support PHP versions which came out years later -- PHP 5 is not fully backwards-compatible with PHP 4, so any WSN version older than 4.0 or 4.1 (I forget which) will die with an error when running PHP 5.

Download 5.0.83 from http://scripts.webmastersite.net/wsnlinks/members/ and see readme.html inside it for the upgrade instructions.
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