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savedby and timesemailed
Doesn't work the way I expect

Comments on savedby and timesemailed

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Posted Mar 25, 2006 - 5:24 AM:

I can't find anything in the manual about these, but I wanted to use them.

If linksaved by gave the number of times its been added to an album then it would work well in the link importance formula, but {LINKSAVEDBY} seems to stay blank "", even though I logged in as two seperate members and added to link list.

{LINKTIMESEMAILED} is "0" even though I e-mailed it from members and guests.

What do these fields do?

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
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Posted Mar 27, 2006 - 2:01 AM:

savedby is an unused field, it's for WSN Forum. timesemailed does what you think but there's a typo in email.php preventing it from incrimenting (fixed for 3.3.12).
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