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Related links not working

Comments on Related links not working

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Posted Jul 25, 2005 - 1:02 AM:

Hey Paul,

<div class="details"><b>Related Links:</b>

That's what I have as the standard on the comments.php page. It is not pulling up the related link's information though. It is pulling up the actual link's information that I am viewing.

Any thoughts? Here is an example: http://www.themlmsoftware.com/docs/comments.php?id=227


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Posted Jul 25, 2005 - 1:41 AM:

I dunno if this has anything to do with it, but I read that for this to work, ya need the latest version of MySQL installed, of which I mysql do not have it, and don't feel like tackling an upgrade at the moment. I do look forward to taking advantage of this feature sometime in the very near future. It seems like WSN takes advantage of new functionality only found in the latest MySQL package.

- Steve

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Posted Jul 26, 2005 - 1:13 AM:

No, only similar links requires MySQL 4 -- which by the way was released more than three years ago, it's not the lastest MySQL version, which would be 4.1.x for stable or MySQL 5 for development. Related links do not require anything except specifing the related ids on edit.

Did a quick test, associated link #3 with link #30, no problems. Not sure what you could be doing, have you compared with the default template?

On an unrelated note, it always kind of annoys me when people use WSN Links for a manual or knowledge base. A number of people seem to, but it makes me feel silly developing WSN Knowledge Base. But I shouldn't complain, I make more money this way.
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Posted Jul 26, 2005 - 1:57 AM:

I'll have to check that template then.

Regarding the unrelated. smiling face

1. My first intentions were to find a good directory script for a directory site I am building. The fact that I am also using this script for our online manuals, was more like a sudden decision (plus a good practice on the script for me).

2. Little hint on site design: Place a bold button or something at the top of these pages. A new button on the very top navigation, that says: "Other Products" or something to that affect would have directed me to your KnowledgeBase script. Believe it or not, until now, I didn't even know it existed. And the only reason why, is because there is no link to it from these WSNLINKS pages. wink



PS: if I had a client who is need of large customizations and setup on your WSNLINKS for their site, where (if at all) would I post such a 'job' opportunity?

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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
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Posted Jul 26, 2005 - 5:40 PM:

Such posts should probably go under hacks and template changes, but could go on the main forum too.
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