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Problem with setup
blank page in setup

Comments on Problem with setup


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Posted Apr 13, 2006 - 2:13 AM:

I uploaded the files, chmod'ed /attachments/ , /languages/ and /admin/ directories to 777, chmod'ed the templates and searchlog.txt to 666 and renamed config.php.txt to config.php and when I attempt to access setup.php I get a blank page.

Oddly enough I do not see any errors in the error log.

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Posted Apr 14, 2006 - 4:17 AM:

I don't know if it would cause this problem, but you shouldn't rename the config.php.txt file - setup.php does this automatically.


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Posted Apr 14, 2006 - 10:02 AM:

Actually you should rename it since setup usually doesn't have permission to do it for you... it can only do it if the file is chmoded to 666 or apache is running as your FTP user (this will no longer be an issue in future versions as I'm working on an automatic PHP-based FTPing tool).

Go to servertest.php. Does it show up? If not you've got a hosting problem you need to talk to your host about... though one common cause is that your host requires PHP files to be 644 to be accessed from a web browser and you have something in your FTP client forcing them all to 666 or the like.

If servertest.php does show up, tell me what it says... and the most likely problem then would be that you missed uploading one of the subdirectories like /classes/.

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Posted Apr 14, 2006 - 12:29 PM:

Here is what I get from servertest.php:

This script tests your web server's ability to run WSN Links.
PHP version 4.4.0 - pass
MySQL version 3.23.58 - pass

Congratulations, your sever meets the requirements for running WSN Links.


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Posted Apr 14, 2006 - 12:39 PM:

I just tried reinstalling everything and I am not sure where the problem could be.

Here are the steps I used.

First I uploaded the file wsnlinks.tar.gz to my links directory using ftp, binary mode. The next steps I performed via command line and have copied them directly from the history. Can you see where I made a mistake?

gunzip wsnlinks.tar.gz
tar -xvf wsnlinks.tar
rm wsnlinks.tar
mv wsnlinks/* .
chown -R admin9.admin9 *
chmod 666 config.php.txt
mv config.php.txt config.php
chmod 777 attachments/
chmod 777 languages
chmod -R 666 templates
chmod 666 searchlog.txt
chmod 777 admin

At this point I go to my /links/setup.php file and all I get is a blank page.

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Posted Apr 15, 2006 - 12:16 AM:

Paul wrote:
Actually you should rename it since setup usually doesn't have permission to do it for you... it can only do it if the file is chmoded to 666 or apache is running as your FTP user (this will no longer be an issue in future versions as I'm working on an automatic PHP-based FTPing tool).

Thank you Paul! I have setup about 6 wsn links and never had to rename the config.php file. In fact it states in the manual to run setup.php first and "If it is not done automatically in setup, you may need to rename config.php.txt to config.php and chmod it to 666."


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Posted Apr 15, 2006 - 6:59 AM:

I've actually reworded the readme setup instructions in the last version or two to be less optimistic (it now says to rename first before running setup.php), because it never seems to rename it for me... I think it's a safe mode issue or something.

sifuhall wrote:
Can you see where I made a mistake?

gunzip wsnlinks.tar.gz
tar -xvf wsnlinks.tar
rm wsnlinks.tar
mv wsnlinks/* .
chown -R admin9.admin9 *
chmod 666 config.php.txt
mv config.php.txt config.php
chmod 777 attachments/
chmod 777 languages
chmod -R 666 templates
chmod 666 searchlog.txt
chmod 777 admin

At this point I go to my /links/setup.php file and all I get is a blank page.

The step I don't understand is the chown. Is it really necessary to change the owner? Anyhow I suggest simplifying things. Extract the files locally and upload with an FTP client (I find that simpler, being a GUI-centric person, but use the shell if you must and are absolutely sure nothing is going wrong there, that it isn't setting some sort of bad chmod value on extraction somehow), then look at setup.php without doing anything else. Does it show? If so, then we can move on to the renaming and chmoding.

http://links.webmastersite.net is also running PHP 4.4.0, so that can't be an issue.

Do you have error suppression in the PHP install which is preventing you from seeing an error message that would explain something happening with setup.php?

Do you get a proper error message when you go to index.php? (It won't work when not set up of course, but it displays mysql errors, so if it's blank for you it speaks of a more general problem.)

There's no .htaccess file involved?

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Posted Apr 15, 2006 - 11:03 AM:

Regarding chown, it probably isn't necessary and php should execute jsut fine, however at times I can be a bit retentive and ideally would want the proper owner for the files.

I don't have anything to supress php error messages and regarding index.php I get the following error messages:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO) in /home/virtual/site9/fst/var/www/html/links/config.php on line 26
Error: The file templates/default/sitedead.tpl does not exist.
Error: The file templates/multilingual/sitedead.tpl does not exist.

No .htaccess file at all for this.

I'll try uploading all files from in ftp instead of using command line to extract and see what happens.

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Posted Apr 15, 2006 - 2:54 PM:

Error: The file templates/default/sitedead.tpl does not exist.
Error: The file templates/multilingual/sitedead.tpl does not exist.

That looks informative, suggests that your templates directory is unreadable. Go to templates/default/sitedead.tpl in your web browser. Does it give a 403 forbidden?

Edit: Tested chmoding my templates directory to 644 to kill it, checked setup.php and it is a blank white page. That must be it then. I'll see about working in an error message to inform that the templates are unreadable.
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