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Problem with Cats - HELP!
WSN Links is down on site

Comments on Problem with Cats - HELP!


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Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Location: England

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Posted Apr 18, 2006 - 7:51 AM:

Paul, further to my contact to you concerning this problem, herewith copy of database.


had to do it as a link as cannot attach txt files :-( Sorry to post here as well but I am absolutely desparate!

To recap all of problem.....

New client began to add categories. Added one then did the same procedure to add another. Ended up with a category (together with all sub-cats) that I had put in disappearing. I regenerated and it threw a wobbly! Now user-end of site is down. I can get into admin but it won't let me look at categories.

Looking at database it has done some weird things but I don't know how to recify it. There is a section that simply repeats the titles of the cats client submitted: , Aromatics for animals, T Shirts, and then repeats , 13, 2


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Posted Apr 18, 2006 - 4:01 PM:

Since you didn't use full inserts, I have no idea what fields those are in the database. You need to check the 'full inserts' box when making an export of a database so that it lists the field names.

If there are no tables that are listed as needing a repair and removing the junk content by hand doesn't do anything, the only thing I could suggest is stepping through prestart.php line by line to see where it dies. It appears to be just after
$highestcatindex = $db->rowitem($db->select('id', 'categoriestable', 'validated=1 AND hide=0 AND isalbum=0', 'ORDER BY id DESC', 'LIMIT 0,1'));

which suggests that the categories database table is dead in some sort of way that causes mysql and php to choke and die without returning an error message.

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Posted Apr 18, 2006 - 9:34 PM:

Paul wrote:
You need to check the 'full inserts' box when making an export of a database so that it lists the field names.[/code]

Thank you, I didn't know that.

[quote=Paul] stepping through prestart.php line by line to see where it dies. It appears to be just after
[code]$highestcatindex = $db->rowitem($db->select('id', 'categoriestable', 'validated=1 AND hide=0 AND isalbum=0', 'ORDER BY id DESC', 'LIMIT 0,1'));

which suggests that the categories database table is dead in some sort of way that causes mysql and php to choke and die without returning an error message.

So does that mean that I've lost everything and have to make a new database? Or is there anyway I can recover it? I previously tried running repair database but it did nothing and is not reporting any errors.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Location: England

Total Topics: 391
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Posted Apr 18, 2006 - 10:42 PM:

Got it working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nod PHEW!

What I did was to export the database, managed to find what client had put in and delete it.

I made a new database, uploaded new wsnlinks, imported amended data.

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