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I can't find where to change it to ONLINEMEMBERID

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jan 14, 2005

Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 15
Posted Nov 20, 2005 - 7:56 AM:

I can't seem to get my online members to show up. I just upgraded to 3.3.1 today. I have the icon for the im and also it shows there is a member online. What I don't see is the member's name. Where are all the instances in template where ONLINEID needs to be changed to ONLINEMEMBERID? I obviously am missing something. I have two links scripts running and haven't upgraded the one in my signature, if it's showing. The one I'm referring to is an adult site link page. Just fyi. No nudeness or trash, but still adult. http://www.sleeplessnightsonline.com/links/index....

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jan 14, 2005

Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 15
Posted Nov 20, 2005 - 8:05 AM:

Thanks. Nevermind, I found it. I thoought I had already changed it...but I guess I had something wrong. I don't know. But it works.

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