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New Link notification
Links to wrong member profile

Comments on New Link notification


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jul 26, 2003

Total Topics: 2
Total Comments: 6
Posted Feb 23, 2006 - 6:13 PM:

In my profile I have "Notify of new links added to directory" set to "yes".
When a member adds a link and it is validated I get the email that comes from;-


But the link in the email links to the wrong memberID:-

A new link has been added at http://www.ukpotters.co.uk/wsn . You have requested notification of this in your member profile, which you can edit at www.ukpotters.co.uk/wsn/edi...ndition=equals&fieldvalue= <b>(Not my memberID but the ID of whoever submitted the link)</b>

Changing {MEMBERID} TO {THISMEMBERID} didn't work
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