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New feature
Website location feature/cross category

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 02, 2005
Location: Romania

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Posted Aug 02, 2005 - 3:31 PM:

I know its not the place to post this but I cannot currently post to the feature request forum. I haven't used the script yet but while browsing the features list (quite nice) I found something that would make it even better.

Was wondering if regional support could be added to the script. Basically I'd like to be able to assign each site/link to a specific region (e.g.: World/Europe/France) and to be able to stop at the desired depth.
I noticed some people that use the script and needed this have created the locations as categories but its much more elegant and convenient to have them as a separate layer and also more user friendly.

Hope this reaches the right person wink.


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Aug 03, 2005 - 8:16 AM:

I think that's really a site-specific matter that shouldn't be in the default setup. Just add a 'region' link field and select to make it searchable, and possibly use filters on it (not sure if filters are available in the Basic Edition, but they are in 3.2).

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 02, 2005
Location: Romania

Total Topics: 19
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Posted Aug 03, 2005 - 8:47 AM:

It depends on the type of directory you are running. I think that virtually all general directories and larger ones could find it useful. It will not be needed for smaller directories or for those that use it for link exchanges.
I'll try to add that field as you described (once we have the full version).

Thank you for feedback.


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
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Posted Aug 04, 2005 - 5:57 PM:

I'll consider a switch for it.
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