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multiple value field search
How to search on multiple values

Comments on multiple value field search


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Joined: Jul 22, 2004

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Posted Apr 04, 2006 - 9:51 AM:

I have a category field which allows multiple values. When I created the field, I specified the values (comma-separated) and this updated the search template with a multiple selections box for that field. OK so far. However, when I do a search, that criteria is not used at all. I verified this in debug mode, that the search query does not contain any of the multiple selections.

Is this multiple selections search field a feature which will be added later? I need to implement it form my client and am wondering if I should build this myself in the code, if I should pay to have it done, or is there a quick way to fix it?

Basically the search.php code would have to check for an array in the POST element, then split the array and then build the query including those values + the search condition for the field (in my case they are all "or").

Anyway, thanks for a great program.
Eduard raised eyebrow

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Posted Apr 06, 2006 - 7:09 AM:

Do mean mean a selector where people can select 1, 2 and 3 all at once and the search would then match anything with either 1, 2 or 3... or with all of 1, 2 and 3? There's nothing in there to handle that so far as I recall.

I could do it as described at scripts.webmastersite.net/w...x.php?section=customcoding , probably wouldn't be more than an hour depending on if I understand it.

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jul 22, 2004

Total Topics: 3
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Posted Apr 09, 2006 - 4:25 PM:

Yes, that's exactly what I mean. I'll put in the info in the custom work page for you. Thanks a lot.
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