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Missing link
Missing link

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 27, 2007

Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 10
Posted Jan 05, 2008 - 2:57 AM:

This page in your help file points to a non-existing page: a list of template variables,


You can read more about template conditionals, and get a list of template variables, to learn how to make
them show what you want to show. There are many template variables available which aren't in the templates
by default, so you'll need to reference the lists to learn the possibilities open to you.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 27, 2007

Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 10
Posted Jan 05, 2008 - 5:15 AM:

The following is missing too:

Using the Knowledge Base
The WSN Links Knowledge Base provides detailed articles about most of the script's features and options,
along with troubleshooting tips. You can find it at http://scripts.webmastersite.net/wsnlinks410/wsnmanual

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
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Posted Jan 05, 2008 - 5:24 AM:

drquek wrote:
The following is missing too:

Using the Knowledge Base
The WSN Links Knowledge Base provides detailed articles about most of the script's features and options,
along with troubleshooting tips. You can find it at http://scripts.webmastersite.net/wsnlinks410/wsnmanual

I can't find anywhere that has such a link. The intro manual has the text, but not that link, it has a correct link.

It does have a broken template variables link, so fixed that.
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