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Minimum for a custom template?

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Joined: Jul 04, 2005
Location: Portland, OR

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Posted Jul 10, 2005 - 8:25 PM:

What's the minimum code that needs to go into a custom template? I can't find that information in the online manual. I tried creating my own template which just has a toplist in it (a toplist to show all new images since the member's last visit), but all it does is parrot back the CONFIG code in the toplist, so I assume something essential is missing.

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Posted Jul 10, 2005 - 8:30 PM:

Nothing. A blank custom template works fine if you don't want to show anything.

You're probably using a toplist number that's already used in the wrapper, or possibly the toplist is an illegal syntax, couldn't say since you haven't posted it.

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jul 04, 2005
Location: Portland, OR

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Posted Jul 11, 2005 - 5:59 PM:

I was trying to create an "all images since last login" feature, but v2.20 has one built in, so I don't need that anymore, but thanks.
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