Anyone know how you can get meta tag descriptions for your link details page to show up so robots can index them?
I am getting my link details page indexed but googlebot is not describing the links I assume it is because I do not have a description for them in the meta tags.
I am stuck with no more ideas at trying to put a meta tag description in the links details page.
Google doesn't use meta descriptions, it uses the text around the keyword being searched for. Anyhow if you're looking for a conditional <IF {CURRENTURL} contains link.php?action=detail> </IF> might work.
I put the code and now the html info displays two sets of meta description but i guess it doesnt matter because most spiders will only go for the one on top.
BTW, Synozeer,
i noticed on your site that your rss feed is in xml format. Are you using the rssfeed.php from wsnlinks? If so, how do you convert them to xml format?
After thinking a while, i was thinking of only using one sets of meta description. How do you do that, Synozeer? What did you put on the category info header? This is my set of datas for category info header:-
<meta name="rating" content="General"> <meta name="ROBOTS" content="ALL"> <meta name="description" content="My description for this category"> <meta name="keywords" content="keywords, keywords for this category">
But if i use your tactic as perscribed , i get two sets of descriptions. ????
As far as having double meta descriptions, not sure how you're getting that. Since you're checking for details.tpl, those meta tags should only appear on that page alone since that won't trigger your CATHEADERINFO (since that appears only on category pages), otherwise your other meta will appear.
How can I set it up so <IF {TID} contains details.tpl> and <IF {TID} contains report.tpl> use the same <IF> command so I can be more efficient with coding?
Comments on Meta tag description for links
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Anyone know how you can get meta tag descriptions for your link details page to show up so robots can index them?
I am getting my link details page indexed but googlebot is not describing the links I assume it is because I do not have a description for them in the meta tags.
I am stuck with no more ideas at trying to put a meta tag description in the links details page.
Any recommendation is appreciated.
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Google doesn't use meta descriptions, it uses the text around the keyword being searched for. Anyhow if you're looking for a conditional <IF {CURRENTURL} contains link.php?action=detail> </IF> might work.
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It didnt work
<IF {CURRRENTURL} contains link.php?action=detail>
<META name="description" content="{LINKDESCRIPTION}">
<META name="keywords" content="free,stuff"> </IF>
If I try this below without the word contains then 2 sets of meta tag info will be listed in the html info for the page.
<IF {CURRRENTURL} link.php?action=detail>
<META name="description" content="{LINKDESCRIPTION}">
<META name="keywords" content="free,stuff"> </IF>
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You haven't specified where you're putting that. Wrapper I presume?
Edit: Correct the spelling. It's {CURRENTURL}.
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Google is using the meta description for details pages. I have pages indexed with the description being used.
I am interested in this also. Tried putting this in the category header info but did not work.
<IF {CURRENTURL} contains link.php?action=detail>
<META name="description" content="{LINKDESCRIPTION}">
<meta name="description" content="Description for that link">
<meta name="keywords" content="Keywords.....">
Maybe something like this in the wrapper:-
<IF {CATHEADERINFO} & {CURRENTURL} contains link.php?action=details>
<META name="description" content="{LINKDESCRIPTION}">
<META name="keywords" content="free,stuff">
Not a programmer for me. Not sure what is the conditional for AND.
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This is what I use for my site and it's been working fine:
Placed in wrapper:
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<IF {TID} contains details.tpl>
<META content="{LINKDESCRIPTION}" name=description>
<META content="{LINKBOOKMARKTITLE}, {LINKCATNAME}, {LINKGAMEFORMAT}, arcade, online games, free, play" name=keywords>
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Nice one Synozeer. Appreciate it.
I put the code and now the html info displays two sets of meta description but i guess it doesnt matter because most spiders will only go for the one on top.
BTW, Synozeer,
i noticed on your site that your rss feed is in xml format. Are you using the rssfeed.php from wsnlinks? If so, how do you convert them to xml format?
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After thinking a while, i was thinking of only using one sets of meta description. How do you do that, Synozeer? What did you put on the category info header? This is my set of datas for category info header:-
<meta name="rating" content="General">
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="ALL">
<meta name="description" content="My description for this category">
<meta name="keywords" content="keywords, keywords for this category">
But if i use your tactic as perscribed , i get two sets of descriptions.
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Hey Synozeer
That one's pretty good.
You just saved me a bit of time doing it myself. This one should actually go in the documentation...
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For the XML, I'm using static file generation with the rss.php file and then choosing as the file name with an XML extension to save as.
So my static file generation as the URL as:'regular'&title=MyTitle
and the filename to save as:
That's it.
As far as having double meta descriptions, not sure how you're getting that. Since you're checking for details.tpl, those meta tags should only appear on that page alone since that won't trigger your CATHEADERINFO (since that appears only on category pages), otherwise your other meta will appear.
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Thanks. Synozeer.
I got the rssfeed stuff. Appreciate it,
And about meta tags, i do not have a details pages. Instead i put everything on the comments pages. So now my meta tags look like this in wrapper:-
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<IF {TID} contains viewcomments.tpl>
<META name=description content="{LINKDESCRIPTION}" >
<META name=keywords content="{CATDESCRIPTION}" >
<IF {TID} contains displaylinks.tpl>
Hope this helps someone using comments pages.
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This is what I use for my site and it's been working fine:
Placed in wrapper:
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<IF tid contains details.tpl>
<META content="{LINKDESCRIPTION}" name=description>
<META content="{LINKBOOKMARKTITLE}, {LINKCATNAME}, {LINKGAMEFORMAT}, arcade, online games, free, play" name=keywords>
How can I set it up so <IF {TID} contains details.tpl> and <IF {TID} contains report.tpl> use the same <IF> command so I can be more efficient with coding?
Example below didnt work for me:
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<IF tid contains details.tpl> or <IF {TID} contains report.tpl>
<META content="{LINKDESCRIPTION}" name=description>
<META content="{LINKBOOKMARKTITLE}, {LINKCATNAME}, {LINKGAMEFORMAT}, arcade, online games, free, play" name=keywords>
</IF> </IF>