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Merging phpBB2 with WSNLinks

Comments on Merging phpBB2 with WSNLinks


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Posted Jul 12, 2006 - 7:06 PM:

OK, I'm going to take the plunge...

I'm going to convert WSNLinks to use the user database for phpBB2 (Fully Modded).

This will probably be just like any other mesge except I have thousands of phpBB2 users and over 1300 wsnlinks members.

My big concern is the merging of the user databases. How can I match a user on WSNLinks with an existing member on phpBB? Do I go through and change the usernames on wsnlinks first or ....? Just looking for someone who has been through the process.

I must admit I've not read the docs yet, but there is always a "gotchya" smiling face


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Posted Jul 12, 2006 - 8:48 PM:

Settings -> Users -> Members system integration, select "phpbb". If you have a non-standard phpbb tables prefix you'd need to edit the integration file.

Unless you're planning on deleting phpbb? If so, transfering the data would be a mess so you still may find it easier to just leave the phpbb users table in place for WSN to use.

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Posted Jul 12, 2006 - 10:29 PM:

Hi Paul,

Yes, the idea is too keep phpBB2 as the primary database for the system. I remember seeing a document on integration which suggested moving the wnslinks tables into the phpBB database.

I guess what I am concerned about is how to go about tranferring missing users from wsnlinks to phpBB2. Does the integration do that or does it just use phpBB instead?

If there is no process to merge the user databases then I can probably do that, I would just need to know which columns in which tables need to be updates which what from the phpBB table.

All my databases are copied onto a test system which 4.xx alpha and the latest phpBB2 FM (based on the latest phpBB2 core).

Maybe I'll just play around, I can't break anything...can I...really? smiling face


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jul 14, 2006 - 4:06 PM:

Do not transfer anything or do anything, just click the spot in the admin panel.
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