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Location of CSS file
Am I editing the right CSS file?

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 23, 2006
Location: Ontario, Canada

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Posted Jun 28, 2006 - 5:34 PM:

Am I correct in editing the css file that is located in /templates/default?
Yes I did find it, but now I can't seem to get the text such as "Sort categories by" and "Category Stats" found at the side, the text is defaulting to Times? the class is called boxtitle?


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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jun 30, 2006 - 3:34 PM:

Since there isn't any in that directory and styles are independent of templates, no. Just click "Admin Panel", then "Templates", then click the "edit" button next to the default style. Or templates/styles if you insist on not using the script.
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