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Listing hidden after payment is received

Comments on Listing hidden after payment is received

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Posted Mar 21, 2006 - 7:47 PM:

Every time someone pays for sponsorship or whatever - their Hide link status changes to yes.

I don't mind changing them back, but it is a pain to find them after they disappear or actually know that they disappear until onwer writes you an angry email smiling face

I think I need to add to feature list:
Sponsorship management list. To be able to montior all the exparations, payments etc.etc. Also ability to setup automated notices prior to exparation would be nice too. I'm sure I can create a custom page to monitor all payments, but I still think it need a whole section to itself.

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Posted Mar 24, 2006 - 9:31 AM:

Well, I am just now working on my sposorship payment program, and I get the same problem. After a paypal payment is made (I'm testing with .01 cent listing price), it does change the link type to the sponsor link type, however the hidden option is also changed to 1. If manually changed back to 0 then it shows up fine in the templates.

It must be something in the paypal.php that needs to be fixed.

In the meantime, you can view the hidden links on the search/edit page. Click view hidden (links) at the top of the page.

PS. Version 3.38 as well.

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Joined: Jun 15, 2005
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Posted Mar 24, 2006 - 8:23 PM:

Actually, I'm now thinking that this makes a bit of sense with my setup....

I do have admin validation of links before they are live in case something is changed to something inapropriate. So once paypal has received payment it should allow me to validate the link before it is shown in the listing.

It gets hidden instead. I would have assumed that the upgrade would have shown up on the validate items screen under a new column called sponsorship... maybe I'll try to add it there. smiling face

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Posted Mar 24, 2006 - 8:44 PM:

paypal.php has
	   $thelink->hide = 0;  

I'm not seeing how that can make hide become 1.

I'll try the paypal sandbox sometime but it takes forever to get anything tested in it.
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