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Links do not get edited
edits made to links do not get saved

Comments on Links do not get edited

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Posted May 08, 2008 - 2:18 PM:

edits made to links do not get saved (i have full admin permissions)

I tried to edit link on a submission and it did went through the process, however nothing got edited.
I tried to do it several more times and it looks like it edits it, but nothing gets edited...

i actually had to edit it via phpMyadmin

please advise

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Posted May 09, 2008 - 12:28 PM:

I see you have 235 HTML errors (for the front page, didn't check the edit link page since I'm not a member but presumably it has a similar number). One of those in the wrapper could easily be an unclosed form which would kill all forms below it. If you were making any effort at writing valid HTML then it'd be easy to find, but since you aren't it'll require sorting through the hundreds of other errors to find it.
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Posted May 09, 2008 - 1:46 PM:

Hi Paul, you are funny!

so what you are saying is - the error is unclosed form?

PS. I understand that a real reason is my mothers mischief at the age of 19 or so...cool
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Posted May 09, 2008 - 1:49 PM:

the problem is - I did not touch admin forms. and when I edit the link the page that comes back (edit form) has the edits in, however database does not get updated
Forum Regular

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Posted May 09, 2008 - 1:57 PM:

Ok - we should name our forms - your form in the template did not have a name so as mine in "custom_wrapper_head"....

so if your valid html would have had a named form, my mess would not have broken it.

all fixed.

Thank you for pointing out possible cause nod
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