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Link in Template
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Joined: Mar 25, 2006

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Posted Mar 25, 2006 - 9:26 PM:

Hello all,
I've just installed the WSN Basic. A great script, thank you! My eyes must be pretty blurry at the moment but for the life of me, I can't find where I can either switch off the following line or comment it out of the basic templates.
1 link (1 regular and 0 reciprocal) and 1 subcategories in this category Last link added 03/26/06.
I sure would appreciate it if someone would be kind enough to shed a little light on this for me.

Thanks so much!

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Posted Mar 25, 2006 - 10:03 PM:

Hi Hope

You can edit it out of the template - if you do this under the admin it is the "Show Links in Category" If you are editing the templates offline and uploading it is in the templates/default directory, template name is displaylinks.tpl



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Posted Mar 25, 2006 - 10:14 PM:

Thanks, Jill. The problem is that I'm having a bit of trouble finding the actual line in the template. I am using the online editor but can't tell which line(s) to comment out. It's all looking the same to me at this point.

babrees wrote:
Hi Hope

You can edit it out of the template - if you do this under the admin it is the "Show Links in Category" If you are editing the templates offline and uploading it is in the templates/default directory, template name is displaylinks.tpl



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Posted Mar 26, 2006 - 12:04 AM:

Hope wrote:
Thanks, Jill. The problem is that I'm having a bit of trouble finding the actual line in the template. I am using the online editor but can't tell which line(s) to comment out. It's all looking the same to me at this point.

The easiest way to find it is when you have the template in the editor do ctrl+f to bring the find box up and type in part of the wording, so in this case you could search for "last link added" and that will take you there.

I personally prefer to edit offline and can read it much easier using Dreamweaver (although I use the code view, not design view)

Just checked on the original template for exact wording, you need to delete all the following:

<br>{CATLINKSHERE} links ({REGULARTOTAL} regular and {RECIPTOTAL} reciprocal) <IF {CATNUMSUBCATS}>and {CATNUMSUBCATS} subcategories</IF>
in this category <IF {CATNUMLINKS} is greater than {CATLINKSHERE}>({CATNUMLINKS} total links counting subcategories).</IF> <IF {CATLASTLINKTIME}>Last link added {CATLASTLINKDATE}.</IF>


Usergroup: Member
Joined: Mar 25, 2006

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Posted Mar 26, 2006 - 9:21 AM:

Thanks, Jill. I was afraid I'd delete something I shouldn't so that helped. I commented it out rather than delete it. I'm not sure what I'll do with it quite yet.

BTW, I've used DW for years so I completely agree with you.

Thanks again!

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