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Link Description Field
for reciprocal link

Comments on Link Description Field


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 09, 2005
Location: Northern California

Total Topics: 5
Total Comments: 20
Posted Mar 09, 2006 - 8:58 AM:

This answer is probably in the manual somewhere but I can't find it.

I require a reciprocal link URL when one adds a link, but where do I put the language for my site's Title, Description, HTML, etc. so they can add my link to their page? I can't seem to find this info anywhere but I know others have it in their WSN Links pages.


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Posted Mar 09, 2006 - 11:08 PM:

Put it wherever you like, either on the submission page itself or link a custom template there.
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