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Issue with pagination

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Posted Apr 15, 2005 - 12:30 AM:

I resolved the first issue with pagination. This was on categories we made ourselves and one was "Directories and SE's" with that category and all its subs we got no Page 1 2 3 at bottom of listings. Changing the SE's to SEs fixed it.

Now I know how to fix this for a personal links collection a member set up but no idea where I as an admin can change "Goodman's" to "Goodmans" I even snooped through the actual database and could not find it.

I would really like to fix it for this member and find a way to prevent this from happening with other members lists in the future.


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Posted Apr 15, 2005 - 2:04 AM:

update on the question. Now that I went and downloaded the newest version and perfomed a flawless upgrade (so it seems) I cant even get to the personal link list. I get the error

"We've iterated more than 200 times and there's still a {THISMEMBERCANREMOVE[ in your template, so there must be a problem (malformed attempt at a template variable maybe?"

I checked for the fix I read here

In classes/member.php, replace
$this->groupcandeleteow n

but the file was already set the way the edits above would indicate they need to be.

On the upside the upgrade fixed the issue I never even bothered to post about where after a link was submitted we could not move it to any subcategory deeper than two levels.

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Posted Apr 16, 2005 - 12:11 AM:

Are you sure you're using the current template, not an old one? Member link list works for me. Or if it's customized, what template are you using?

I don't understand your other matter either. I changed a category name to "Home's Improvement" and it still showed the links to page 2 and 3 at the bottom.

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Posted Apr 16, 2005 - 12:47 AM:

I am using the templates from the 3.13. The upgrade directions never said to replace the templates. "1. Upload to overwrite all files EXCEPT your /templates/ and /integration/ directories."

This was an upgrade from 3.13 to 3.15 done prior to posting as I can see that is often a first step to resolving issues.

I use the mod-rewrite and it seems to me that it does not work properly with no alpha-numeric characters in the category names.

I am only looking for a way to edit the title of a personal link list to remove the ' from goodman's but cannot even find it.

I understand that the issue may have as much to do with specifics on my web host or what not and I am far from skilled in these matters.

If I cant resolve it I will shut off members link list and still consider the wsnlinks to be far superior to other applications in its price range.


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Posted Apr 16, 2005 - 1:46 AM:

Despite the upgrade instructions, see if the 3.15 albums.tpl template makes a difference. I don't see how the host could relate to this particular matter, it has to be something about your WSN Links configuration that differs from mine.

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Posted Apr 17, 2005 - 12:16 AM:

Ok the replacing the albums.tpl fixed the 200 iteration problem but still no pagination at the bottom when there are more links than sortorder states.

16 links and sort order info set to 14 I only can access the top 14 links in the list, 2 of them are not accessable via the second page link.

I know when we has a category name set up with a ' we had the same issue and when we took out the ' it was fixed. I would like to know where in the code it says to put a 's on the end of members list so I can remove that part.

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Posted Apr 17, 2005 - 12:19 AM:

forgot to post a link to my album so you can see what I mean http://www.gogetlinks.com/directory/albums.php

Usergroup: Administrator
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Posted Apr 17, 2005 - 1:34 AM:

The member link list names are a language item.

The link isn't very useful of course since I'm not logged in as you.

Was the ' issue related to member link lists, not to regular categories? I was presuming you meant normal categories, for which I can easily and repeatedly confirm that it is not the case.
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