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How to Ban a Member?

Comments on How to Ban a Member?

Web Designer

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Posted Jun 04, 2007 - 2:19 PM:


Today, I got visited by the first spammer. He/she submitted a "site" with the description stuffed with spam links beginning with the usual "Hey, nice site!". Of cource the submission was rejected (did they expect anything else?). Actually, I've deleted the submission rather then rejecting it because I didn't want to send a rejection email with my email address as a sender to avoid further spam. Does the script send a notification even though the submission was deleted?

When I wanted to ban the user, I couldn't find how to do it. I'm surprised there isn't a menu item in the admin/members section for this purpose. Not even for viewing members list and editing each member other then in the front end. But I'm sure I'm missing something since there's "Show Banned" menu item.

Thanks for your help.
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Posted Jun 04, 2007 - 3:11 PM:

What you need to do is go to your memberslist click on the name of the person you want to ban and you should see admin options just choose ban and that person is banned.

Web Designer

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Posted Jun 04, 2007 - 3:28 PM:

Thanks azteca! I found it.

It shouldn't be hard for the admin to find stuff smiling face

Thanks again!


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Posted Jun 05, 2007 - 4:21 PM:

I didn't want to send a rejection email with my email address as a sender to avoid further spam.

Add a fake/junk address to the dropdown list in the email preferences.

Deletion notices are sent to PM if they've requested notification of mod actions, and they may get email notification of PM.
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