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How easy is it to integrate WSNLinks
With multiple other 3rd party scripts

Comments on How easy is it to integrate WSNLinks


Usergroup: Member
Joined: Dec 22, 2010

Total Topics: 12
Total Comments: 23
Posted Dec 30, 2010 - 4:05 AM:

1. The existing wordpress (WP) integration (I am yet to get it to work though) - what exactly does it integrate? is it only the userbase registration and login?</p>
1a. Does it also integrate the tagging feature or will it remain separate for WP and WSNLinks? If it does integrate tags - how easy or difficult is it to integrate - I mean just some kind of approximate effort?
1b. Same question as 1a but for user profiles.

2. How easy is it to integrate other 3rd party scripts like miniBB (minibb.com) and Pligg (pligg.com) into WSNLInks?
2a. I would like to integrate private messaging, tagging, user profiles, users online and similar common features. Any idea on what would be the approximate effort.

Note 1: miniBB can integrate with WP (probably only userbase integration).
Note 2: all the 3rd party scripts may be installed a separate domain or sub-domain and all of the mentioned scripts are built with PHP + MySQL

Thanks much

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Dec 22, 2010

Total Topics: 12
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Posted Dec 31, 2010 - 4:16 PM:

I changed my mind to use miniBB instead of bbpress.

Since WSNLinks can integrate with WP and miniBB and if Pligg also integrates with WP - is it possible to use WP as a bridge between WSNLinks and the remainign two and have a 'single sign-on'?
Basically user registers on WSN links - and the same login creds can be used on WP, miniBB, pligg.

Is this something possible?


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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jan 02, 2011 - 4:42 PM:

1. Just the logins. WSN will link to the wordpress registration page.
1a. What exactly would wordpress tags be associated to in WSN? Members can't be tagged in wordpress, can they? Tags are for articles right? Are you trying to show WordPress articles in WSN?
1b. What would this mean, would it be something like having WSN link to the wordpress profile instead of the WSN profile?

2. If you're integrating WSN into Wordpress, then you don't want to integrate any script into WSN Links -- the WSN Links members table will not be in use, only the WordPress table, so you need to integrate them into WordPress.
2a. Unrealistic with non-WSN scripts. You can integrate all that and more with the other WSN scripts -- WSN Forum, WSN Gallery, WSN KB, WSN Software Directory, WSN Classifieds and WSN Directory -- but other scripts have completely different ways of doing all those functions which won't be compatible. And if you're integrating into Wordpress then you can't share across WSN scripts anymore since you'd have to integrate them all into wordpress instead.
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