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How Do I Make a Category Reciprocal Only

Comments on How Do I Make a Category Reciprocal Only

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Posted Jun 05, 2007 - 6:13 AM:

I want to force a category to only accept reciprocal links. How do I do this?
When I tried to edit the category in the admin area, I could only see "regular" as "type of Link". Some categories didn't have either one. When I browsed the site as guest and tried to submit a link, I saw two options: regular and reciprocal. This doesn't make a sense to me.

Thanks for your help.


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Posted Jun 05, 2007 - 7:55 PM:

Editing a category doesn't involve type of link options, since it's a category, so I don't know what you're looking at. Maybe you're looking at the category type, which is unrelated.

Anyhow, restricting link types by category isn't supported but if you make all your links be for submitting to a specific category and don't let people use the selector to change it then in your suggest link template you can use <IF {CATID} is x>special limited selector<OTHERWISE>regular selector</IF>
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Posted Jun 06, 2007 - 3:42 AM:

you can do the IF statement on suggest.tpl for specified category to show only reciprocal option, such as
< option value="recip" > reciprocal < / option > 

Web Designer

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Posted Jun 11, 2007 - 10:22 AM:

Thanks Paul and mc19. I've fixed it. But I wish I could understand these thinks between brackets {..}. Why and when to use them.

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Posted Jun 11, 2007 - 10:18 PM:

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