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Getting WSN to distinguish paid listings
If user pays, their listing to show more details..

Comments on Getting WSN to distinguish paid listings

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Posted Feb 05, 2006 - 6:36 PM:


How do I set apart my listings so that only those who've paid can do certain things... eg I have two link types, standard and premium. Premium lets people add more than 1 photo.

Is it possible to have it set up so that those who select Premium link types can make a one-off payment and then, if payment is successful, their additional photos show up..? How do I get it to do this?

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Posted Feb 06, 2006 - 8:04 PM:

Use a conditional to test for the link type, or just type in the correct spot if on displaylinks.tpl, and within it use the usual template code to display x attachments.
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Posted Feb 07, 2006 - 6:46 PM:

ok thx Paul, I'll look in the manual on instructions for how to only display 1 attachment if the user has chosen standard listing, but has uploaded more than 1 photo...

Also, what I need is a way for the user to directly purchase a premium listing when the link is being submitted, rather than submitting a link and then going through the 'sponsor this link and get a premium listing' stuff.... if you see what I mean...?

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Posted Feb 09, 2006 - 12:48 AM:

If they check the sponsor box when submitting they're automatically redirected to the purchase page. You can turn the checkbox into a hidden input field to force it to act checked if you want.
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Posted Feb 09, 2006 - 6:58 PM:

cool! ok, on the sponsor page it says 'click the buy now button to purchase...'

but I can't see any buy now button...?

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Posted Feb 10, 2006 - 9:46 PM:

If you haven't provided the paypal or 2co info there won't be a button. It is anyhow better to create your own paypal buttons in the first place instead of using the default one (which exposes your email).
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