I didn't like the extra lines between fields in the emailed output of the form, and found out where this can be modified. Just take out the extra blank lines in this part of the formemail.php script:
By the way, my apologies to Paul. He did reply to a request that I made via the support form, but I deleted it from my trash mailbox a split second after realizing that he had replied.
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Comments on Getting rid of blank lines in output
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jan 13, 2008
Total Topics: 8
Total Comments: 12
I didn't like the extra lines between fields in the emailed output of the form, and found out where this can be modified. Just take out the extra blank lines in this part of the formemail.php script:
================================================= ======
$messagetoadmin = $_POST['submitteremail'] ." has filled out a form with this content:
======================================== ===============
By the way, my apologies to Paul. He did reply to a request that I made via the support form, but I deleted it from my trash mailbox a split second after realizing that he had replied.