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funds deduction misbehavior
all reverted to regular after one day

Comments on funds deduction misbehavior

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Posted Nov 06, 2007 - 5:51 PM:


Can you have a moment to check if your having the same difficulty:

At my customized version 4.1.9 :

At link settings:
Link types: priority1,priority2,priority3,priority4,priority5,priority6
Default days to expiration 32

At Sponsorship Settings:
Deduct the incrimental fee every 1 day
Use different funds for each sponsorship level? Yes.

Link Type Promotion: Yes
Incremental Fee: 1.06,0.78,0.71,0.62,0.56,0.5

I have added different links of different types with different amount of funds.
Two of them should have to be reverted to regular after one day, they were, but all of the links were reverted to regular after one day too regardless of their funds. I have added funds of 17,15,1 etc.

I will continue testing anyway
Forum Regular

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Posted Nov 07, 2007 - 7:16 PM:


It remebered me the difficulty we had at:

Also all these links were submitted and edited at the very first hour of the morning.

Searching for " if ($tryit > time()) " within the files ,
I found at that at suggest.php we have:

if ($thislink->expire)
$tryit = strtotime($thislink->expire);
if ($tryit > time()) $thislink->expire = $tryit;
else $thislink->expire = time() + ($thislink->expire * 86400); // calculate expiration date

I believe the difficulty is here, I will do mere tests and comment.
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Posted Nov 07, 2007 - 9:15 PM:


I confirm that publishing the very first hour of the day expire value is changed to 0.

I believe we would need to do the same correction here at suggest.php as it was done before for edit.php .

Also maybe a simmilar situation would happen to $effectivetime variable at edit.php and suggest.php that would need to be modified.


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Posted Nov 08, 2007 - 1:36 PM:

What do expirations have to do with sponsorship? Nothing that I can see.

The code you're quoting makes it try to convert a date to a timestamp, and if it's not a date it caclulates from the assumption that it's a number of days. That's what it should do so there's nothing wrong with it.

effectivetime is a little different -- it only accepts a date, not a number of days. That is, however, in line with what the page requests so I don't see a problem.
Forum Regular

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Posted Nov 08, 2007 - 4:36 PM:


- When a link expires it's usually reverted to regular this is why I started presenting a sponsorship problem but finally realizing the problem was on the expiration side really.

- The main difficulty is that ,
If I post a link before 1:20 am, (let's say at 1:05am) with a expire value of 120 days, strtotime (120) is giving the timestamp of the same day at the hour of 1:20 am. If we have not reached that hour we have the problem I presented, with the link expiring the same day.

You already found a solution that you implemented at edit.php , it's at the link I mentioned, please reviewed at : www.webmastersite.net/forum...9&findpost=28123#post28123

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Posted Nov 09, 2007 - 8:45 PM:

I don't see why strtotime would accept a number, but I'll check directly to exclude numeric values.
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