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Can't produce thumbnails in category view

Comments on [function.getimagesize]

Ducnan Clarke

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Joined: Dec 19, 2003
Location: Stoke, UK

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Posted Oct 03, 2006 - 8:43 PM:

Any idea why some of my images are barfing when asking them to show thumbnails as in the example page? All the images are from the same camera and editing software.

I get one error message for each of the failed thumbnails:

Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Read error! in /homepages/21/d86207139/htdocs/urbanlines.net/gallery/classes/onelink.php on line 2231

I can view the images themselves fine however.

Sorry about the recent flurry of questions. Should have been upgrading more regularly I reckon.

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Posted Oct 04, 2006 - 12:01 AM:

It seems to be saying it can find the file thumb_x.jpg yet it isn't readable or isn't an image file. Appears to be some sort of odd upgrade issue... urbanlines.net/gallery/atta...chments/thumb_crw_6808.jpg wasn't showing up, so I went to urbanlines.net/gallery/thum....php?id=1342&attachid=1203 to bypass the caching and that made it work again when I went back to the category. Try regenerating attachments.
Ducnan Clarke

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Dec 19, 2003
Location: Stoke, UK

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Posted Oct 04, 2006 - 2:43 AM:

Found the problem. Had a poke around in the attachments directory and found that the problem thumbnails were there, but 0 bytes. For some reason the regenerate did nothing to overwrite them. I simply deleted all the 0 byte ones;
rm $(find . -size 0)
and reloaded the page and they are there again.

Love it when a plan comes together.
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