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filter our links that expire soon

Comments on filter our links that expire soon

Forum Regular

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 30, 2003

Total Topics: 54
Total Comments: 197
Posted Mar 22, 2005 - 12:31 PM:

I noticed that people having hard time finding link where they need to sponsor their submissions even though I have instructions etc.

Anyways, I added the following toplist to the profile view and the homepage and it shows expiring links to their members and they can sponsor them right there.

<a hr_ef="[TRACKLINKURL]" target="_blank">{LINKTITLE}</a>{LINKADMIN}
- Expires in <font color="#FF0000">{LINKEXPIREDAYS}
<a hr_ef="link.php?action=sponsor&id={LINKID}&sp=101">Pay for inclusion</a>.<br>

here is the deal - I'm as admin have too many links submitted myself and I see that toplist will go through so many links in ascending or descending order. If I have 1000 link submitted myself and link #489 expires - toplist won't show it. So I need to put a list for 1000 links to find that one link #489 that expires. This slows down page load a lot. Is there another way of doing this faster, may be I shouldn't even use toplist to filter out expiring links for their members?

Of course for members that have less than 10 links it won't hurt, but theoretically if there is one that has too many....?

Appreciate any ideas.
Forum Regular

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 30, 2003

Total Topics: 54
Total Comments: 197
Posted Mar 23, 2005 - 11:58 AM:

Okay, I figured this out - for those that interested here is:

This toplist shows members their links that expire. It highlights in red if link expires less than 14 days.

<!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 16 -->
<CONFIG>links,expire,5,ascending,expire>0 AND ownerid={THISMEMBERID},,,0,0,0,0</CONFIG>
<a href="{TRACKLINKURL}" {EXTERNALLINKS}>{LINKTITLE}</a>{LINKADMIN} - Expires in <font color="red">{LINKEXPIREDAYS} days</font>. <a href="link.php?action=sponsor&id={LINKID}&sp=101">Pay for inclusion</a>.<br>
<!-- END TOPLIST 16 -->
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