Posted Jul 13, 2013 - 12:23 PM:
June 16, 2012,I asked youif it was possibleto have aWYSIWYGeditor for theTEXTfields onlywhen I addan article inthe administration,TITLEandDESCRIPTIONfieldscan remainin plain textas currently.
You replied: Igatheryouwanttheretobea bunch ofWYSIWYGeditorson thesamepage,onefor the textFor Eachlanguage?That's notpossible,andright nowWouldbeafairlycomplexproject.Ifyouneed it,I Coulddo itassoona$ 75customproject.
I agreefor you to dothis project, it will bemuch more convenientfor visitorsto havethe article directlyin the languageof their choice,without having to changecategoryasit must donow,I was wrongbylike that.
If this isalways possible,can you givemethe procedure for thepayment.
Since the upgrade to version 8, the layout of the new items or updates is no longer considered for copy / paste the source code of a Web page.
For the version of the page without the source code, even making a copy / paste of this page in PhpMyadmin, the layout is not considered. The page is in French original and perfectly formatted. The English page is a copy / paste of the html code added with editing the page. The German version is a copy / paste of the page PhpMyadmin.
I think it would be useful to set this option to make it work properly in multilingual.
Even when codes are parsed, remaining non-wsn-code HTML isn't allowed except in WYSIWYG fields, which is what this modification will enable. It's turning out to be very complicated but I'm mostly done, just need to fix another bug it caused and do more testing.
Done for to 8.0.4 Beta 6 (relesing that now, it'll be out within the hour). I've updated your articles copy already to check. You'll need to make the translated text fields use {LINKEDITORCONTENT like the regular fields, I did this for the articles directory already.
Multilingual versions of WYSIWYG fields are automatically WYSIWYG now, and WSN codes and line breaks are now automatically parsed in WYSIWYG fields regardless of settings, so you won't have to change anything else. If you were to want to make another field WYSIWYG that's not a translation, there's a new extrawysifields tweak for that.
A big thank you for your excellent work and for your speed. WYSIWYG editors work well, it will be a pleasure to translate breeds in each language and also more comfortable for visitors.
In the framework of my pages, I changed the H2 and H3 tags by BIG and STRONG tags for the headings as in the original.
Comments on Fields TEXT in WYSIWSG
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Location: Borlo Belgique
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Posted Jul 13, 2013 - 12:23 PM:
Hello Paul
June 16, 2012, I asked you if it was possible to have a WYSIWYG editor for the TEXT fields only when I add an article in the administration, TITLE and DESCRIPTION fields can remain in plain text as currently.
You replied:
I gather you want there to be a bunch of WYSIWYG editors on the same page, one for the text For Each language? That's not possible, and right now Would be a fairly complex project. If you need it, I Could do it as soon a $ 75 custom project.
I agree for you to do this project, it will be much more convenient for visitors to have the article directly in the language of their choice, without having to change category as it must do now, I was wrong by like that.
If this is always possible, can you give me the procedure for the payment.
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I'm looking into this, will get back to you soon.
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Thank you.
Forum Regular
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Location: Borlo Belgique
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Hello Paul
Since the upgrade to version 8, the layout of the new items or updates is no longer considered for copy / paste the source code of a Web page.
For the version of the page without the source code, even making a copy / paste of this page in PhpMyadmin, the layout is not considered.
The page is in French original and perfectly formatted.
The English page is a copy / paste of the html code added with editing the page.
The German version is a copy / paste of the page PhpMyadmin.
I think it would be useful to set this option to make it work properly in multilingual.
Thank you in advance.
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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Even when codes are parsed, remaining non-wsn-code HTML isn't allowed except in WYSIWYG fields, which is what this modification will enable. It's turning out to be very complicated but I'm mostly done, just need to fix another bug it caused and do more testing.
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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Done for to 8.0.4 Beta 6 (relesing that now, it'll be out within the hour). I've updated your articles copy already to check. You'll need to make the translated text fields use {LINKEDITORCONTENT like the regular fields, I did this for the articles directory already.
Multilingual versions of WYSIWYG fields are automatically WYSIWYG now, and WSN codes and line breaks are now automatically parsed in WYSIWYG fields regardless of settings, so you won't have to change anything else. If you were to want to make another field WYSIWYG that's not a translation, there's a new extrawysifields tweak for that.
Here's the payment link:
Forum Regular
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 05, 2006
Location: Borlo Belgique
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Hello Paul
A big thank you for your excellent work and for your speed.
WYSIWYG editors work well, it will be a pleasure to translate breeds in each language and also more comfortable for visitors.
In the framework of my pages, I changed the H2 and H3 tags by BIG and STRONG tags for the headings as in the original.
I just make the payment.
Affenpinsher is now available in the category Dog breeds
Again thank you to you.