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Fatal Error
Fatal Error on index.php

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 09, 2005
Location: Northern California

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Posted Nov 14, 2005 - 10:58 AM:

Hope I'm doing this right. This forum is very procedural...

I'm getting the following error at http://www.craftygiftcreations.com/links/index.php
I've been getting this error for awhile now and the only things I have attempted to change are the header & wrapper, I think. I am a novice at this, so I don't know what I did. Probably shouldn't be messing with things at all.

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/craftygc/public_html/links/commonfuncs.php(477) : eval()'d code on line 244

And this is the debug info:

Load time so far: 0.27 seconds.

Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap,deleted,reqlinks,reqcoms,reqlinksdelay,priority,levelsdeep,lastposterid,lastpostername,lastcommenttime,lastthreadid,lastthreadtitle,linkshere,unvalidatedlinks,unvalidatedcomments,actaslink,countposts,subcatshtml FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND deleted=0 AND hide=0 ;

Number of rows is 14 for Resource id #49

Load time so far: 0.27 seconds.
Performing query: LOCK TABLES wsnlinks_email WRITE, wsnlinks_links WRITE, wsnlinks_categories WRITE, wsnlinks_members WRITE;

Load time so far: 0.27 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,`to`,subject,message,headers,replacement,mime FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #50

Load time so far: 0.27 seconds.
Performing query: UNLOCK TABLES;

Load time so far: 0.27 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,frequency,filename,nextrun FROM wsnlinks_crons WHERE nextrun < 1131986610 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1;

Number of rows is 1 for Resource id #52

Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_crons SET nextrun='1131989919' WHERE id=6;

Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_settings SET content='1131986610' WHERE name='lastrotation';

Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_settings SET content='P' WHERE name='currentletter';

Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,title,url,description,rating,votes,validated,catid,sumofvotes,email,time,hits,numcomments,hide,ownerid,voterips,voterids,lastedit,type,notify,suspect,pendingedit,funds,suspended,alias,expire,ip,inalbum,typeorder,recipurl,hitsin,recipwith,hitsinips,hitsoutips,lastcomment,related,inhidden,viewers,threadviewers,hitsintemp,hitsouttemp,origtype,importance,parentids,timesdead,timesemailed,threadclosed,threadposters,lastposterid,lastpostername,ownername,deleted,deletionreason,movedto,deletedby,timevalidated,filefield,message,sticky,downloads,pollid,posticon,savedby FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE hide=0 AND expire > 0 AND expire < 1131986610 ;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #54

Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,type,objectid,filename,filetitle,filesize,width,height,memberid,time,deleted,field,downloads,validated FROM wsnlinks_attachments WHERE objectid=0 AND time>1131956610 ;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #55

Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,links,comments,time,usergroup,password,ip,totalhits,totalhitsin,email,validated,template,language,lastattempt,allowemail,signature,avatarname,stylesheet,allowuseremail,albumid,failedattempts,totalbytes,funds,notifyoflinks,lastvisit,timezone,rating,pmfolders,notifyofpms,acceptpms,cookieduration,banned,location,homepage,occupation,bio,aim,icq,msn,yahoo,inactive,timeonline,totalpms,buddies,ignored,isonline,acceptims,adminpermissions,referrer,groupreverttime,grouprevertto,moderationpm,secondarygroups,linksperpage,commentsperpage,shouts,customtitle,shoutban,topicbans,forumbans,visibility,birthdate,lastsession,interests,posteditor,forumaccess,pmpopup,pmnotify,modnotes,guestnotes,salt,lastmodnote,newpms,imflag,orderalbums,lastguestnote,autosubscribe,notifymethod,showavatars,showsigs,warninglevel,topics,posts,chatcolor FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE groupreverttime > 0 AND groupreverttime < 1131986610 ;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #56

Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap,deleted,reqlinks,reqcoms,reqlinksdelay,priority,levelsdeep,lastposterid,lastpostername,lastcommenttime,lastthreadid,lastthreadtitle,linkshere,unvalidatedlinks,unvalidatedcomments,actaslink,countposts,subcatshtml FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent=0 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND isalbum=0 AND deleted=0 ORDER BY priority ASC LIMIT 0,40;

Number of rows is 14 for Resource id #58

Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent=0 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 ;

Number of rows is 14 for Resource id #59

Setting cookie with name returnto, value http://www.craftygiftcreations.com/links/index.php and duration 1131987510

Load time so far: 0.56 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid>0 ;

Count is 1

Load time so far: 0.56 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=0 AND isrobot=0 ;

Count is 1

Load time so far: 0.56 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=0 AND isrobot=1 ;

Count is 0

Load time so far: 0.59 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,title,url,description,rating,votes,validated,catid,sumofvotes,email,time,hits,numcomments,hide,ownerid,voterips,voterids,lastedit,type,notify,suspect,pendingedit,funds,suspended,alias,expire,ip,inalbum,typeorder,recipurl,hitsin,recipwith,hitsinips,hitsoutips,lastcomment,related,inhidden,viewers,threadviewers,hitsintemp,hitsouttemp,origtype,importance,parentids,timesdead,timesemailed,threadclosed,threadposters,lastposterid,lastpostername,ownername,deleted,deletionreason,movedto,deletedby,timevalidated,filefield,message,sticky,downloads,pollid,posticon,savedby FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND inhidden=0 AND alias=0 AND inalbum=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,15;

Number of rows is 15 for Resource id #64

Load time so far: 0.64 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,memberid,location,time,ip,browser,starttime,catid,threadid,areaname,lastsearch,nopermission,inchat,name,isrobot,lastchat FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE time > 1131985710 AND (memberid>0) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,100;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #65

Thanks for your help.


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Nov 14, 2005 - 6:14 PM:

"eval()'d code" means that you have some template php that's bad. From the location, it looks like you placed something in the bottom of your wrapper. So, what did you put there?

Edit: from your html, it appears right after
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
<tr class="headerNavigation">
<td class="headerNavigation">��<br />

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Posted Nov 15, 2005 - 5:33 PM:

Still can't figure it out. Is that string in the wrapper? If so, I can't find it.

Any suggestions? I don't remember putting anything like that in there and I just had my pages customized, so I'm not familiar with what's in the wrapper.

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Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Nov 15, 2005 - 10:33 PM:

In your web browser, click 'view source'. The HTML there comes from somewhere, obviously, and isn't in any default WSN templates. Where did you put that HTML that is before the message and what is after it?

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Posted Nov 16, 2005 - 10:00 AM:

I think it's in the wrapper. Does this look wrong somehow?

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
<tr class="headerNavigation">
<td class="headerNavigation"><?php echo $breadcrumb->trail(' '); ?></td>

The wrapper is the only file I recall editing.

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Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Nov 18, 2005 - 12:11 AM:

Okay, your <?php echo $breadcrumb->trail(' '); ?> is the problem. What are you trying to do with that? Whatever it is, it's not working. For one thing, even if there were a breadcrumb variable (which there isn't in WSN) you'd have to globalize.

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Posted Nov 18, 2005 - 4:57 PM:

I don't know how or why I put that there and am not trying to do anything with it other than get the damn error to go away. Can I just delete the whole string? A simple yes or no will suffice.

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Posted Nov 18, 2005 - 5:53 PM:

Deleted the string. Still getting the same fatal error at the bottom. Source says <p align="center"><a href="leaders.php">Site Leaders</a></p>
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
<tr class="headerNavigation">
<td class="headerNavigation"></td>
<td align="right" class="headerNavigation"><br />
Before the error. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Usergroup: Administrator
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Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Nov 19, 2005 - 4:41 PM:

Your error now is not the same fatal error, it's a different message. That means you have a different bit of template PHP somewhere in there. Apparently you've got all sorts of PHP in your templates. How you write and upload PHP without knowing that you're doing it I can't guess, must be some form of sleep-coding, but if it serves no purpose take it all out. There is no PHP in the default templates outside of the admin panel (only conditionals).

In the future, don't put anything in your templates if you don't know what it's for. If you're getting PHP from some random third party, that's a good way to get hacked anyhow.

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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Nov 19, 2005 - 10:16 PM:

I would delete all of the php if I could find it...
Not everyone is as script-skilled as you...some of us are just trying to run a website with a nice links page...some of us try to make changes because it usually beats paying someone $250 bucks to do it.
And regardless of how rude you tend to get...it still beats paying someone $250 bucks to do it for me. I'll take the abuse, just help me fix it...if you can. Otherwise, I'll just have to live with the error. It's better than having to deal with the wrath of Paul.

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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Nov 21, 2005 - 7:54 PM:

You apparently are quite script-skilled since you're doing all this PHP coding you have been. Nobody who isn't script-skilled is capable of having these sorts of problems. Unless of course you paid somebody else $250 to destroy your site by putting all that stuff in, in which case you should be asking them for a refund.

I think you'd have to be rather oversensitive to sense any wrath in this thread, as the posts are quite different from what I would've written if you'd annoyed me (though I guess you weren't amused by the sleep-coding comment, it's apt when you haven't offered an alternative explanation in all this time). This post is the first one where I'm annoyed.

If you took the time to think of what you did when you made your templates, you would know where to look. I don't have a crystal ball to know what you copied and pasted from some PHP site or what you hired some PHP coder to do your templates, it's your business to know that. I don't know where you left the remote either. And once again, in the future do not randomly dump code into templates when you have no idea what it's for... you may as well have a cat run across the keyboard, click 'save changes' and then wonder why things don't work.

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#12 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Nov 21, 2005 - 10:40 PM:

Ahhh...so that's what happened. Damn cat. Thanks so much for your help.
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