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displaying a numbered list
trouble with multiple pages

Comments on displaying a numbered list


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Sep 25, 2003
Location: Canada

Total Topics: 22
Total Comments: 48
Posted Mar 20, 2005 - 4:43 PM:

I have modified displaylinks.tpl to display the links as a numbered list.
The problem is that when I have multiple pages within a category the number of the fist link on the second page begins again at 1.

You can take a look at what I am trying to accomplish at www.cdnroots.com/index.php?...?action=displaycat&catid=4

I would like to display 10 links perpage and have the first link on page 2 be numbered 21 the 3rd page 31 etc.

Is this possible, I would appreciate any guidance.

I other problem, I am using the basic version however I have 2 instances of "Powered by WSN Links Basic Edition"

I cannot fiqure out how to modify the footer or if I am able to do this.

Please take a look at my site. And provide some feed back.


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