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data display question

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Posted Aug 15, 2007 - 4:39 AM:


I have a feeling that I might be barking up the wrong tree with this question:

I want to experiment on how my directory displays the data which is accessed from the MySQL DB. At the moment the categories are A, B, C and so on. My database also has the data grouped by county and also business type (as well as town). My question is; How can I display the categories as the business type or by the county. OR, idealy, set it up so that there are both options? Let me explain my perfect scenario:

I would like to have a drop down list of counties on on the index page as well as another drop down list of the business types, so that people could browse by either - but i would also like two seperate pages off the main page with counties on one and business type on another.

Is this possible to do with WSN links? If so how? Or is this something that needs to be re ordered on the database. If so, how would I get WSN to call from two CatID's?

Please see the attached screen shot of the database to see where I want to pull the data from (I hope it's sufficient).

I am not sure if i have explained this all that clearly but it's tricky when you don't know all the possibilities or limitations.

Attached Files:

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Posted Aug 15, 2007 - 5:43 PM:

You can do alphabetic links instead of making them categories: scripts.webmastersite.net/w...s/alphabetic-menu-378.html

You can also do business type or county search links or filters. A more time consuming way would be to alias all the links to multiple categories.
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Posted Aug 16, 2007 - 3:55 AM:


Please forgive my ignorance but how and where do I implement that code to experiment with it?



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Posted Aug 16, 2007 - 4:38 PM:

Paste it into the template where you want it shown. Admin -> Customizations -> Templates.
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Posted Aug 17, 2007 - 7:49 AM:

That's pretty cool. I must have done something wronng as I couldn't make it work yesterday.

Would you foresee any problems using that trick in the directory as a fairly widespread feature? Would those search links get spidered etc, as well as the page that they point to?

Thanks for your help paul.


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Posted Aug 17, 2007 - 6:09 PM:

Search links can be slower sometimes, that's the only issue. To get them spidered, be sure to set Admin -> Settings -> SEO -> "Disallow spiders from searching?" to "no".
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