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Conditionals based on custom field..

Comments on Conditionals based on custom field..


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Posted Oct 04, 2005 - 12:49 AM:

hello, what's the sure fire way to conditionally show something (an image, word, text,etc) based on whether information is filled out in a custom field.
For example, we have a custom text field called 'id'. If this 'id' is blank, don't display the image. Else if filled, display the image.

I can't seem to find reference for this. Similar to the 'hide', i guess. Please point me in the right path. Thanks!
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Posted Oct 04, 2005 - 1:01 AM:

Seems like you would have problems if you made a field called "id"

But as an example if you made a custom link field called "customid" then the below would work.

This appears if there is something in the field
This appears if there is nothing there


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Posted Oct 04, 2005 - 9:47 AM:

Thanks, for some stupid reason, I was using:

<IF {LINKCUSTOMID} is greater than 0>
This appears if there is something in the field
This appears if there is nothing there

Using an example on the displaylinks.tpl page.
This gave me errors. But your way helped. Thanks!

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Posted Oct 04, 2005 - 9:50 AM:

how about this one...

show A
show b
show c
show d

is <else> = <otherwise>? And would a conditional like this work by stackin <otherwise>?
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Posted Oct 04, 2005 - 11:33 AM:

Notice the bottom example

Paul, I just previewed this message and got the below. Not sure exactly what I typed to get it.
Couldn't find an unused name for . There's got to be a bug in this script if you see this. (Find me in filefunctions.php)

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Posted Oct 05, 2005 - 12:04 PM:

freshwill, there's no logic to multiple elses and there's no else if construction, though you can use PHP for that and mixing PHP with conditionals is fine.
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