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Category with Custom Template
How to make a category with a different and unique

Comments on Category with Custom Template


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 10, 2004

Total Topics: 4
Total Comments: 8
Posted Feb 22, 2005 - 2:41 AM:

I bought WSNlinks script about a month ago and make a 100% changes to all the default template files. Everything is fine! Further, I try to make one of the directory with a separate and unique wrapper, details, etc templates since the directory will have an extra data. I encounter two problems:

(1) I edited the relevant category by entering the custom wrapper field with the following: custom-html_wrapper, but receive the following error:

You've removed the body from your wrapper template! This means there's no way to know where to put the page and it will just be appended after your wrapper. Edit your wrapper to re-include the <!-- BODY GOES HERE --> line.

I checked with the template file and found that there exist a "<!-- BODY GOES HERE -->" line.

(2) I don't know how to enter the "Custom Template" field and what should I enter.

If for instance, I have 10 directories and I want one of it (e.g. Business & Services directory) to have a different set of templates (not all but some, especially the "displaylinks", "suggestlink", and "details" template) what should I do?

Please help me.

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