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Category types on main page
<--BEGIN REGULAR showing other types

Comments on Category types on main page

Forum Regular

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Posted Oct 04, 2005 - 11:47 AM:

Previously I had a a category that was type "special"

I dont want the special category to show up on the main page, so I never added the below to the template.

stuff here
<!-- END SPECIAL -->

Now that I've upgraded to 3.26 the special category is showing up even without the above tags.

I can't use "hide category from listing" because this hides it from toplists, doesn't allow people to view it when you manually link to it, etc.

All I want is for it to not show up on the main page category listing.


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Posted Oct 05, 2005 - 12:02 PM:

Since people tend to forget about the template, 3.2x helpfully defaults it to whatever type it can find. You need to add the category type even if you don't show anything for it. Just leave the content as a blank space.
Forum Regular

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Posted Oct 05, 2005 - 8:05 PM:

After adding the category types with nothing between them it fixes the problem.

However the following is now displayed in its place (not in the template but the acutual html)


I'm sure this is caused by me using old templates with a newer version of WSN Links. I've tried to look through and see what is different but nothing sticks out at me. Do you happen to know what would cause this to happen?

If not I can spend more time on it and do a "proper" upgrade (templates and all).

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Oct 05, 2005 - 11:18 PM:

Do you have a <!-- BEGIN REGULAR -->? Just post your template.
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