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Category SUBSUB in templates
Nothing I put in the SUBSUB section has any effect

Comments on Category SUBSUB in templates

Ducnan Clarke

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Joined: Dec 19, 2003
Location: Stoke, UK

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Posted Oct 03, 2006 - 6:34 PM:

I made a slight change to main.tpl and displaylinks.tpl so that the subcategories list vertically rather than as comma separated on a line;

<li><a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid={CATID}" class="categoryname">{CATNAME}</a></li>
<!-- END SUBSUB -->

However, this seems to have no effect. No matter what I put in the SUBSUB section, the result is the same comma list. Even if I remove all code in that section. Have I mistakenly changed a variable which controls this, as it did list vertically previously.


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Posted Oct 03, 2006 - 9:48 PM:

When you change the subcategories html you have to regenerate categories for it to take effect... this is annoying, but less annoying than the subcategories creating too much server load if there are many of them, as they used to. The admin panel's template editor gives a message to that effect but of course you don't see that if you edit offline.
Ducnan Clarke

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Joined: Dec 19, 2003
Location: Stoke, UK

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Posted Oct 04, 2006 - 12:31 AM:

Fixed straight off. Will remember that one as I'm going to be making some serious template changes over the next few weeks.

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