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call to undefinded function geturl()

Comments on call to undefinded function geturl()

Forum Regular

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Posted Jul 30, 2007 - 8:58 PM:


I have a form calling formemail.php ,
This form is inside sponsor.tpl ( WSN Links 4.0.25 / php ver 4.4.6 )
as I want members to email me a confirmation form.

After submiting the form, the following error arises:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: geturl() in /usr/home/nnnnn/public_html/wsnlinks/form/formemail.php on line 51

I understand that the difficulty is with geturl(), also at line 51 we have:

$body = geturl($autoresponse);

As a test I have deleted:

if ($_POST['autoresponse'] != '')
$body = geturl($autoresponse);
mail($submitteremail, 'Re: '. stripslashes($_POST['subject']), stripslashes($body), 'From: '. $adminemail);

And now it's working fine. Await for you to take a look at this.

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Posted Aug 03, 2007 - 10:59 AM:

Do you somehow not have the geturl function? It's right there in my file on line 60. Is this integrated with another WSN script? (The PHP for the security image that is, where the form HTML lies is irrelivant.)
Forum Regular

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Posted Aug 05, 2007 - 4:58 PM:

I do have geturl at line 60, but it's also previously called at line 50. I believe this previous call is the cause of the difficulty.

Yes, I have Formemail integrated with WSNLinks 4.0.25. The form is inside the sponsor.tpl template. At the moment the form is not using security image.

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Aug 07, 2007 - 9:47 AM:

Should work now.
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