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Attached images do not appear

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#16 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 07, 2005 - 12:52 PM:

I installed 3.22 on separate server - attachments work fine - I tried running upgrade.php and it gives me blank page, so I assume the system checks the current version installed and runs the upgrade if it is old. That's why I'm getting blank upgrade page on my main server since I did upgraded it an the current version is the last one. Is this the case why I'm getting blamk upgrade page? I'm still trying to figure what I need to do to make attachments work in the upgraded version - I have a feeling something went wrong with the db fields and I need re-do its structure. I tried importing data into the freshly installed 3.21, but it was giving me errors since I have additional fields in the tables.. so I imported the whole DB and attachments don't work either, so I know it has to do with the incorrectly upgraded DB and not the files. Is there a way to run upgrade on the DB separately?

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#17 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 07, 2005 - 6:21 PM:

I assume the system checks the current version installed and runs the upgrade if it is old.

No. The version you're using has nothing to do with upgrade.php, upgrade.php is designed to be version-independent so that it works properly and causes no harm when run on any database 2.40 to present.

Is there a way to run upgrade on the DB separately?

That's what I wrote upgrade.php for. Are you supressing errors, can you get any debug output?

The attachments importer is another file, something like attachimporter.php, linked at the end of upgrade. But if upgrade isn't completing you don't have all the fields/tables you require.
Forum Regular

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Joined: Oct 30, 2003

Total Topics: 54
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#18 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 08, 2005 - 10:31 AM:

No I'm not supressing errors ?debug=1 gives me all the queries and errors on other pages, but upgrade.php?debug=1 - blank page.

BTW, I ran attachimporter.php and to my big surpise it moved one image to the attachments table - I have no clue how it got there because I have probably 100 attachments... I tried to attach additional images through the edit page, but it keep saying I can attach only 0 files which I aready mentioned before.. - all the permissions set to attach 5 files..
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