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admin cannot login
noone can login to upgrade

Comments on admin cannot login


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 10, 2003

Total Topics: 19
Total Comments: 69
Posted Apr 15, 2005 - 6:35 AM:

i cannot login to my admin panel nor can I login as a member.

i have tried changing the emergency part from false to true. nothing.i see all my categories on my drop down but nothing shows up when i select one.

i keep getting:
Welcome to WSN Links 3.15
This text is in your wrapper template. Visit your admin panel to edit it.

You do not have permission to view this section of the site. Either you are not registered, not logged in, or the administrator chosen not to give you access to this page. To register an account, click here.

I tried registering anew account and setting the validate to 1 and the group to 3 and nothing. I figured out that i was supposed to remove the email table from the config.php when upgrading from 2.51 but it doesnt help now. Maybe the database already has it.

i have tried doing it as a new install but then i made a booboo using the same database for it and lost all my links, i had to restore my whole site to get them back. Is there a way to do a new install of 3.15 and use the links already from that old database? like maybe importing them into a new database.

im willing to lose all my templates just to make this work already.

thank you

thank you.


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 10, 2003

Total Topics: 19
Total Comments: 69
Posted Apr 15, 2005 - 9:27 AM:

i finally got into the the admin panel by removing all the tables from the config.php file that were showing a (does not exist) message, saved it and uploaded again. then upgraded again. then i created another user and validated to 1 and usergroup 3 in phpadmin.

at least now im in.

now need to figure out how to see the links from the existing categories.
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